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Brain Injuries

Brain Injury Lawyer in Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama

Alabama Head Injury Attorney

Each year in the United States, an estimated 1.5 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI)—a blow or jolt to the head—which can disrupt the function of the brain. Of all the serious injuries that a person may sustain in an accident, perhaps none is potentially more devastating than a traumatic brain injury. Brain injuries can result in permanent physical disability along with very serious cognitive, mental, and emotional changes. Because of the permanent nature of brain injuries, obtaining fair compensation from the party responsible for an injury is critical. And because brain injuries are one of the most difficult types of personal injury cases to litigate, choosing a skilled Huntsville or Decatur, Alabama, brain injury attorney to handle your case is a must. At the law firm of Ferguson and Ferguson, we handle serious brain injury cases in Huntsville and Decatur daily, and we understand what it takes to fully compensate you for your injuries.

In every Alabama brain injury case we handle, we take the time to thoroughly understand your case, how your injuries affect you, and what kind of care you will need in the future. Our brain injury attorneys work with experts to determine the physical, mental, and emotional challenges an injury presents, as well as the expected lifelong and long-term care costs, lost wages, and other economic damages.

Causes of Alabama Traumatic Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can happen in dozens of different ways, ranging from motor vehicle accidents to near drownings and electrical shocks. A TBI may result from a closed-head injury or an open-head injury. Regardless of whether the brain injury is the result of a car accident, SUV rollover accident, pedestrian accident, bicycle accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall accident, construction accident, or any other accident, if someone else’s negligent, reckless, or careless actions caused the accident, they are responsible and financially liable for your injuries and pain and suffering. Brain injury lawyers are necessary because of the alarming rate of victims. Around 90,000 people are already permanently disabled because of brain injuries, and more than 50,000 people have already died. Families and insurance companies are already spending more than $50 billion for the treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

Types of Alabama Traumatic Brain Injuries

Statistically, men are more likely than women to suffer a brain injury. Types of brain injuries include concussions, contusions, coup-contrecoup injuries, skull fractures, diffuse axonal injuries, penetration injuries, and acquired brain injuries. Every brain injury is different and unique and may affect one person differently than another.

Signs of a Head Injury

A neurologist provides specialized care for the brain. There are numerous symptoms to look for if you suspect a loved one has sustained a serious brain injury. Some symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Weakness, numbness, or tingling in localized parts of the body
  • Slurred speech does not make sense
  • Seizures and spasms
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Difficulty with vision
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Sudden changes in behavior or personality

Compensation for Brain Injuries

At the Huntsville and Decatur offices of brain injury attorneys Ferguson & Ferguson, we know that many accidents resulting in traumatic brain injuries are caused by the negligent, reckless, or careless actions of others. Victims of accidents caused by others may be entitled to compensation for their injuries, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medicals
  • Lost earnings
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Emotional pain and suffering

With more than 60 years of litigation experience in Decatur and Huntsville, our goal is to get our clients the maximum compensation in every case. We will do everything within our power to recover the maximum compensation you are entitled to for your case, at no risk to you or your family. Because we handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, if we do not recover compensation for your case, you will not be charged for our services or costs.

Brain Injury Questions and Answers-FAQ’S

What are the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury?

Traumatic brain injuries can manifest in various ways, with symptoms and consequences varying from person to person. One common type of traumatic brain injury is a concussion, which is typically caused by a sudden impact on the head or body that forces the brain to move rapidly within the skull. This movement can lead to damage to brain cells and chemical alterations in the brain.

Symptoms of traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, may include migraines, short-term memory loss, and difficulties with speech and language. While some individuals may recover quickly without significant lasting effects, others may experience a gradual decline in symptoms or may not fully recover. It is crucial to note that concussions are often classified as mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) because they are usually not immediately life-threatening.

Even though concussions are considered mild in comparison to more severe traumatic brain injuries, they should be treated seriously. Medical professionals may describe concussion as a ‘mild’ traumatic brain injury due to its relative lack of immediate danger, but it is important not to minimize the potential long-term implications. Each person’s recovery process can vary, underscoring the need to provide a conducive environment for healing and to closely monitor symptoms to ensure proper care and management.

What is the definition of a traumatic brain injury?

A mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) refers to an injury to the head caused by blunt trauma or forces of acceleration or deceleration. Diagnosis of mTBI involves identifying specific conditions present after the head injury, including transient confusion, disorientation, impaired consciousness, amnesia, neurological or neuropsychological dysfunction, or loss of consciousness lasting 30 minutes or less. A concussion is commonly known as an mTBI, which may or may not exhibit visible signs of a head injury like bruising or cuts. Notably, loss of consciousness is not necessarily a requirement for diagnosing a concussion.

Do you handle head injury cases in Athens, Alabama?

Our Athens, AL, head injury attorneys handle all types of personal injury cases in Athens.

What factors determine how someone recovers from a brain injury?

After experiencing a brain injury, the recovery process differs from person to person. Symptoms may not immediately manifest but can show up hours or days later. Each individual’s healing timeline is unique, underscoring the significance of fostering an optimal setting for recovery. It is crucial to be attuned to one’s body signals; escalating symptoms should prompt a pause in activities to prevent exacerbations. Pushing through discomfort can prolong the recovery period. The healing journey is irregular and characterized by fluctuating states of well-being. A day of significant improvement might be followed by a setback reminiscent of the post-injury phase.

What steps should you take to recover from a brain injury?

After sustaining a brain injury, particularly a concussion, there are several crucial steps individuals can take to ensure the best possible environment for healing:

1. Avoid risky activities: It is essential to avoid any activities that may put you at risk of sustaining another brain injury. Rest and allow your brain time to recover without subjecting it to further trauma.

2. Recognize the severity: While concussions may be termed “mild,” it is important to acknowledge that they are still injuries to the brain. Take all brain injuries seriously, irrespective of their perceived severity.

3. Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to any symptoms you may experience post-injury. If you notice symptoms worsening or new symptoms emerging, it is critical to stop any strenuous activities and give yourself time to rest and recover.

4. Understand the Recovery Period: Each individual’s recovery timeline is unique. Be patient with yourself and allow your brain the time it needs to heal fully. A gradual return to regular activities is advisable, based on your doctor’s advice.

5. Take breaks when needed. Do not push yourself to “tough it out.” If you start feeling worse or experience setbacks in your recovery, listen to your body’s signals and take breaks as necessary.

6. Monitor Symptoms: Symptoms may not always manifest immediately after the injury and can appear days later. Keep track of any changes in how you feel and communicate these changes to healthcare providers.

7. Create a supportive environment. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand the importance of rest and recovery. Seek guidance from healthcare professionals to create an environment conducive to healing.

By following these steps and prioritizing your health and well-being, you can facilitate the healing process after sustaining a brain injury effectively.

How do medical experts determine if you have a mild-traumatic or severe-traumatic brain injury?

Medical professionals differentiate between mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) and more severe traumatic brain injuries based on the severity of the trauma rather than the initial symptoms. While concussions are often labeled as ‘mild’ TBIs because they are typically not life-threatening, it’s important to recognize that all brain injuries, including concussions, should be taken seriously. The term ‘mild’ in this context does not imply that the consequences or impact on the brain are insignificant. It’s worth noting that imaging tests like MRI or CT scans may appear normal even in cases of mTBIs, as the term ‘mild’ refers to the initial severity of the trauma and not necessarily the visible manifestations on scans. Therefore, medical professionals consider various factors beyond imaging results to assess the extent and severity of a brain injury, taking into account symptoms, patient history, and other clinical indicators to differentiate between mild traumatic brain injuries and more severe cases of traumatic brain injuries.

How does someone with a concussion or traumatic brain injury approach recovery and healing?

Approaching recovery and healing after sustaining a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury requires a comprehensive understanding of the condition. A concussion, often termed a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), can manifest without visible signs of injury and does not necessarily involve loss of consciousness. Although termedmild,’ concussions demand careful attention, as all brain injuries, including concussions, must be taken seriously.

It is vital to recognize that a concussion is an injury to the brain, not merely experiencing temporary symptoms like ‘seeing stars.’ Following a concussion, it is crucial to avoid any activities that could increase the risk of sustaining another concussion. While medical imaging tests like MRI or CT scans may show normal results, this does not negate the presence of an injury.

Symptoms of a concussion may not surface immediately after the injury and could emerge hours or days later. Each individual’s recovery period varies, emphasizing the importance of establishing an optimal healing environment. Listening to one’s body and acknowledging worsening symptoms as a sign to halt activities and give the body a rest is essential. Trying to power through symptoms may only prolong the recovery process.

Moreover, the recovery process following a concussion is non-linear. One may experience days of feeling significantly better, followed by days where symptoms resurface, reminiscent of the initial injury. This uneven trajectory underscores the need for patience, self-awareness, and adhering to a structured recovery plan tailored to individual needs.

In conclusion, when navigating recovery and healing post-concussion, or mTBI, it is crucial to prioritize self-care, understand the nature of the injury, adhere to medical advice, and allow for the necessary time and support to facilitate a successful healing journey.

Home and Hospital Consultations

We understand the difficulties that many of our clients face due to their injuries. Many cannot travel to our Huntsville or Decatur offices due to their serious conditions. When you call us for legal representation, we will offer to visit you personally at your convenience. We will travel to your home, hospital, or any other appropriate location to meet with you and commence your representation immediately. We are available 24/7 to visit you at Huntsville Hospital, Decatur General Hospital, Crestwood Medical Center, or Parkway Medical Center.

No Fee Unless We Win

At the law firm of Ferguson and Ferguson, we handle serious brain injury cases in Huntsville and Decatur daily, and we understand what it takes to fully compensate you for your injuries. Because every brain injury is unique, seeking legal advice from experienced brain injury lawyers is crucial. Just as we have successfully handled cases for clients of various ages and with a wide range of symptoms and recovery timelines, our brain injury attorneys in Huntsville and Decatur have the expertise to navigate the complexities of brain injury cases. We work diligently with experts to assess the physical, mental, and emotional challenges associated with each injury, as well as the anticipated lifelong care costs, lost wages, and other economic damages. With over 65 years of litigation experience in Decatur and Huntsville, our goal remains consistent: to secure the maximum compensation for our clients. We are committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for your case, with no financial risk to you or your family.

An Alabama accident victim who suffers brain damage due to someone else’s fault is entitled to recover monetary damages. The monetary damages that a brain injury victim can receive depend on various factors. We have been handling brain injury cases in Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama, for more than 33 years. We have the depth of experience and financial resources to provide zealous advocacy on behalf of brain damage victims. For a free consultation with a brain damage attorney in Huntsville, contact Ferguson & Ferguson at (256) 534-3435. We provide our legal services on a contingency basis. This means that we will not charge a fee or seek reimbursement for costs advanced unless your case is won. Call now. We are here to help.

Huntsville office location:
303 Williams Avenue SW
Suite 321
Huntsville, AL 35801

Decatur Office Location:
211 Oak Street, NE
Decatur, AL 35601

Our brain injury attorneys serve every city and county in the state of Alabama.



“You cannot get any better than Jackie. Completely professional, fair, understanding and trustworthy. We were facing an almost impossible situation but with Jackie's tenacity and God's grace it all turned in our favor. I highly recommend Jackie Ferguson Graham.”

- Shane

“Very professional and courteous. They kept me informed and walked things through step by step. Took care of my case in a timely manner as well. I'm very pleased.”

- Joshua

“Randy took good care of our son in his case. He is nothing but the best. If You ever need someone who you can count on to do his best for you, he is the one to pick. Thank You for your fine job!”

- Steph
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Huntsville Office
303 Williams Avenue SW, Suite 321 Huntsville, Alabama 35801

Decatur Office
211 Oak Street NE Decatur, Alabama 35601
(256) 350-7200

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