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Motorcycle Accidents


Best Motor Accident Attorney Near Me

We can help you in Madison, Morgan, Lawrence, and Limestone Counties and the surrounding areas.

Have you or a loved one been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident in Alabama? Are you looking for the best motorcycle accident lawyer you can hire? Our experienced team specializes in handling motorcycle accident cases and aims to deliver results that bring justice to our clients. We understand the challenges faced by motorcycle accident victims and offer a range of services to support their legal journey. We recognize that every motorcycle accident has unique circumstances, and we are ready to tackle the complexities that arise from such cases. Our team will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. This includes fighting for reimbursement of your medical bills, lost wages, and property damage, as well as compensation for pain and suffering. Although motorcycle accidents do not occur as much as other car accidents, they tend to be more dangerous and life-threatening as they result in more serious injuries than car accidents. If you are a motorcycle accident victim seeking justice, don’t hesitate to contact one of our experienced Huntsville or Decatur motorcycle accident lawyers. We are committed to providing you with the support and expertise necessary to help you navigate the legal system and obtain the justice you deserve.

In 2023, there were 5,014 motorcycle fatalities nationally, with 93 of those occurring in Alabama. In 2023, the number of fatalities nationally was even higher, making last year the deadliest ever for motorcyclists. In 2023, motorcyclists were 29 times more likely to die in an accident than someone in a passenger vehicle. In fact, in Alabama in 2019, 82.8% of all motorcycle-related fatalities involved alcohol, accounting for 77 of the 93 total deaths. The study found that riders in southern states have long been less likely to wear helmets, and that number fell by an additional 4.8% from 2019 to 2020.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death for the motorcyclist.  Alabama is the 10th deadliest state in the nation for motorcyclists, according to a recent study conducted by QuoteWizard . Eleven percent of all accidents that occur in the United States involve motorcycles. Motorcyclists in Alabama face a risk of injury and death that is higher than the national average. The Alabama motorcycle riders suffered 1,262 injuries and 83 fatalities in these accidents. In 2018, 25 percent of all motorcycle collisions involved a rider aged between 20 and 29.In that same year, riders in their twenties sustained 26 percent of all motorcycle accident injuries in Alabama. That same age group also accounted for 20 percent of all Alabama motorcycle crash fatalities

Motorcycle crashes in Alabama usually involve serious injuries or death. Unfortunately, the more riders on the road, the more you hear about accidents, injuries,  and even deaths. In a Huntsville, Alabama motorcycle accident, the automobile is usually at fault. If you have been injured, you need an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. We offer no obligation, FREE CONSULTATIONS to all motorcycle accident victims and their families. Call now for your free consultation. Call 256-534-3435.

Damages You Can Recover in a Motorcycle Accident Case

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for damages including:

  • Emergency helicopter transport/ambulance service
  • Anesthesiologist bills
  • Lost income: Lost income because of missed work from the accident. This refers to the income that is lost due to missed work as a result of the accident. It takes into account the immediate impact on your financial stability.
  • Future lost income: Income lost because of your inability to work in the future. In addition to the immediate impact, future lost income considers the long-term effects of the accident on your ability to work. It takes into account any limitations or disabilities that may prevent you from earning a livelihood in the future.
  • Lost earning capacity: Lost ability to earn in the future. This type of damage recognizes the loss of your ability to earn income in the future. It takes into account any permanent or significant impairments resulting from the accident.
  • Existing medical bills: Medical bills incurred because of the accident. The medical expenses incurred as a direct result of the accident fall under this category. It includes costs for emergency visits, hospital care, therapy, and necessary surgeries.
  • Future medical expenses:the Compensation for emergency visits, therapy, hospital care, surgery. Compensation for future medical expenses ensures that you are covered for ongoing medical needs arising from the accident. This can include long-term therapy, rehabilitation costs, and potential surgeries.
  • Rehabilitation and therapy: Rehabilitation costs and expenses from your injuries. This accounts for the expenses associated with your recovery process. It covers the costs of rehabilitation programs, physical therapy, and any necessary aids or equipment required for your recovery.
  • Special equipment to accommodate disabilities: Wheelchairs and other equipment. If the accident results in disabilities, this type of damage compensates for the costs of special equipment such as wheelchairs or modifications to your living space to accommodate your needs.
  • Physical and/or mental impairment: Impairments that reduce or prevent ability to work. This category includes compensation for any physical or mental impairments that reduce or prevent your ability to work or engage in daily activities.
  • Disfigurement: Compensation for scarring and loss of limbs. Compensation for disfigurement acknowledges the physical scarring or loss of limbs resulting from the accident. It recognizes the emotional impact and the potential impact on your self-esteem and quality of life.
  • Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering as the result of the accident. Pain and suffering encompass the physical and emotional distress you experience as a direct result of the accident. It includes compensation for the physical pain, mental anguish, and emotional turmoil endured.
  • Mental anguish: Emotional suffering includes feelings of fright, embarrassment, nervousness, worry, and grief. This category acknowledges the emotional suffering that arises from the accident. It encompasses feelings of fright, embarrassment, nervousness, worry, and grief.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: Loss of ability to do normal thinthingslifelonggthings in life such as walking running or sports. Compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life recognizes the impact of the accident on your ability to participate in activities that were once a source of pleasure or fulfillment. It encompasses the loss of mobility, inability to engage in sports or hobbies, and limitations on daily life.
  • Loss of consortium: Spouse can recover compensation for the loss of services, assistance, aid, society, and companionship of his or her loved one. In cases where the accident affects your relationship with your spouse, compensation may be awarded for the loss of services, assistance, aid, society, and companionship of your loved one.
  • Property damage: Compensation for vehicle damage and contents of the vehicle damaged in accident. This type of damage covers the costs associated with repairing or replacing your vehicle and any contents damaged as a result of the accident.
  • Loss of use: Money to compensate you for the loss of use of your vehicle while being repaired by the insurance company. Compensation for the loss of use accounts for the inconvenience and disruption caused by not having access to your vehicle while it is being repaired or replaced.
  • Diminished quality of life: Compensation for the loss of quality of life after accident. This category recognizes the overall reduction in the quality of your life after the accident. It encompasses the physical, emotional, and psychological changes that impact your daily life.
  • Chronic pain as a result of injuries: Similar to pain and suffering. Compensation for life long chronic pain. Chronic pain refers to ongoing pain that persists long after the accident. Compensation is provided to address the lifelong impact of this pain on your well-being.
  • Mental impairment: Depression, stress, and similar factors. Mental impairment includes conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychological effects resulting from the accident.
  • Workers compensation: Compensation for injured workers workers’while working for someone. If the accident occurred while you were working, workers’ ,compensation may apply. It provides compensation for injured workers and covers lost wages, medical expenses, and additional benefits.
  • Wrongful death: Compensation paid to spouse and children for the wrongful death of their loved one. In cases where a loved one has lost their life due to the accident, compensation may be awarded to the surviving spouse and children for their loss.

The compensation you may be eligible to receive following an accident depends on various factors, such as the severity of your injuries and whether the other driver was at fault or driving under the influence. This compensation typically includes coverage for physical, financial, and emotional damages you or your loved one may have experienced as a result of the incident. Examples of compensation that may be available to you include reimbursement for lost wages, future income loss, medical expenses, ongoing medical care costs, any disfigurement resulting from the accident, emotional distress, pain and suffering, as well as loss of enjoyment of life. We are committed to supporting you throughout the process of seeking compensation and ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

A lawyer plays a crucial role in assisting individuals in assessing their damages following a motorcycle accident. When it comes to evaluating damages, lawyers consider a wide range of losses that arise from the accident, both economic and non-economic.

We take into account the physical injuries sustained in the accident. This includes the immediate medical expenses incurred for treatment, as well as any ongoing or future medical costs that may arise due to the accident-related injuries. By thoroughly examining the medical records and consulting with healthcare professionals, lawyers can accurately determine the potential long-term implications of the injuries.

In addition to medical expenses, we also assess the property damage resulting from the accident. This involves evaluating the cost of repairing or replacing the motorcycle and any other damaged personal property, such as protective gear or accessories.

Furthermore, we consider the impact on an individual’s income and employment. They evaluate the lost wages suffered as a direct result of the accident, including any missed days of work during the recovery period. In instances where the injuries have long-term effects on a person’s ability to work, lawyers also take into account the potential loss of future earnings or reduced earning capacity.

Another aspect that we factor in is the pain and suffering experienced by the injured party. This includes physical pain, emotional distress, and the overall decline in the individual’s quality of life due to the accident. Assigning a value to non-economic damages is often subjective, but lawyers draw on their expertise and knowledge of legal precedents to advocate for a fair compensation amount.

Ultimately, our role in assessing damages after a motorcycle accident is to encompass all losses, tangible and intangible, that arise from the incident. By compiling and analyzing various pieces of evidence, consulting with appropriate experts, and considering legal precedents, the lawyer works towards ensuring that the injured party receives the maximum compensation they are entitled to based on their specific circumstances.

Types of Motorcycle Injuries

You can recover fromabrasions the following injuries:

  • Road rash: Road rash is when your body hits the ground at vehicle speeds. The pavement, dirt, gravel, or other surfaces cause bruises, abrasion, and cuts. Road rash, a common injury in motorcycle accidents, occurs when a motorcyclist is thrown off their bike during a crash, leading to abrasions and skin injuries from sliding or skidding across the road surface. The friction and tearing of the skin caused by direct contact with the pavement can result in painful scrapes, cuts, and bruises. The severity of road rash varies depending on the speed and impact of the accident. It is crucial to seek immediate medical treatment for road rash injuries to prevent infection and promote proper healing. Road rash can have serious health complications, including the risk of infections. Therefore, it is important to understand that road rash is not just a surface-level injury but a condition that requires attention and care to avoid potential complications.
  • Burns: Burns caused by fires, heat,, or metal.
  • Amputations: Loss of arms, legs hands and feet.
  • Broken bones and fractures: A collision with another vehicle, tree or pole can lead to fractures and broken bones. Broken bones, especially those fractured in multiple places, may require surgery or physical therapy.
  • Brain injuries: Head trauma caused by other vehicles or objects. Often the result of not wearing a helmet. Can cause slurred speech, confusion, agitation, and seizures. In motorcycle accidents, head injuries are a common occurrence and can vary in type and severity. These injuries range from mild concussions to more severe brain injuries, which necessitate immediate emergency medical attention. It is important to note that head injuries can have long-term health complications and may even result in permanent disabilities. Therefore, if there is any suspicion of a head injury after a motorcycle accident, it is crucial to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. By doing so, potential complications can be diagnosed and treated promptly, potentially minimizing the long-term effects of these injuries.
  • Severe bruising: Bruises from striking objects during motorcycle crash.
  • Pelvic injuries: Fractures of the pelvis that require surgery and non-surgical intervention.
  • Disfigurement: Scarring and deformities caused by accident.
  • Concussions: Injuries to the brain.
  • Cuts and lacerations: Cuts and lacerations from striking other vehicles, objects,to or road.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are a frequent occurrence in motorcycle accidents and can lead to severe and life-altering consequences. When the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and body, is damaged, fractured, dislocated, or crushed, SCIs can occur. The potential effects of SCIs can be devastating, often resulting in partial or complete paralysis. Even seemingly minor SCIs can have long-lasting and chronic effects, causing continuous pain that can persist for extended periods and potentially worsen over time. It is essential to acknowledge that SCIs require significant medical attention and may necessitate extensive treatment and rehabilitation. Given the seriousness of SCIs and their potential for long-term implications, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of motorcycle safety, such as wearing appropriate protective gear and adhering to traffic regulations, in order to prevent these debilitating injuries.All injuries of the spinal cord.
  • Soft tissue:In Huntsville motorcycle accidents, there are several commonly occurring soft tissue injuries. These injuries primarily include strains, sprains, and contusions. Strains refer to the stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons, leading to pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Sprains, on the other hand, involve the stretching or tearing of ligaments, which connect bones to one another and provide stability to joints. Sprains lead to pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected joint. Contusions, also known as bruises, occur when blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged, resulting in discoloration, tenderness, and swelling at the site of impact. These soft tissue injuries can cause significant pain and discomfort, and it is crucial to seek proper medical attention after a motorcycle accident, regardless of whether you immediately perceive any injuries.
  • Paraplegia: Paralysis caused by injury to the spinal cord.
  • Quadriplegia: Paralysis because of spinal cord injuries.
  • Loss of limbs: Loss of arms, legs, hands and feet.
  • Death: In Alabama you can recover only punitive damages for motorcycle deaths.

What to do After A Huntsville Motorcycle Accident

After a motorcycle accident, you are often confused and unsure of what to say or do. Always remain at the scene until you can speak with the other party involved if you can. Never admit you were at fault and do the following:

  • Remain calm and remain in your vehicle (unless too dangerous)
  • Turn on your hazard lights
  • Call 911
  • Unless necessary, do not move the vehicles until the police arrive
  • Never leave the scene of the accident
  • Immediately file an accident report with the police, sheriff or state trooper, if the agency has not done so at the scene.
  • Write down the name, address, insurance information, vehicle license number and driver’s license number of any and all persons involved in the car accident. Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all witnesses.
  • Do not admit fault
  • Immediately notify your own insurance company of the accident
  • Do not discuss the accident with anyone except the police or your own insurance agent or representative; you are not required to give a statement to anyone but the police and your insurance company
  • Obtain photographs of the accident scene, all vehicles involved (before repairing) and any visible injuries to the parties involved, such as cuts, bruises, and scars.
  • If you have a dashcam installed by a company like BlackBoxMyCar, recover any footage that documents the accident.
  • Do not discuss the accident or your injuries with anyone, with the exception of your doctor and your attorney.
  • Do not consent to a recorded statement or sign any document without first reviewing it with your attorney. Innocent statements made by you attempting to assist an insurance adjuster can easily be misinterpreted and used to deny or minimize your recovery.
  • Immediately seek medical attention for injured drivers and passengers and tell your doctor the nature and extent of your pain and injury, and how the injury occurred.
  • Track Your Expenses. A strong claim clearly outlines the financial impact of your accident. Keep records of your:
  • All medical bills, including doctor’s visits, surgery and therapy,
  • Future medical bills including long term care,
  • mileage driven to all medical providers,
  • rental car expenses,
  • time away from work,
  • and any other expenses your accident has caused.

The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Alabama

Did you know that motorcyclists are 27 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash, and are over five times as likely to be injured. Almost 70 percent of single-motorcycle accidents are the result of failing to negotiate a curve.Most motorcycle accidents are caused by the other driver, and the most common causes include the following:

  • Unsafe lane changes Many drivers fail to check for motor vehicles or fail to signal because they can’t see motorcyclist because of a blind spot.
  • Car doors Drivers of cars or trucks who open their car door without looking.
  • Speeding A leading cause of all motor vehicle accidents is speed.
  • Driving under the influence Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be extremely dangerous. This is criminal and civil if an accident happened.
  • Lane splitting by the motorcycle Very dangerous practice of motorcyclist driving between lanes and cars.
  • Sudden stops Cars or motorcyclist stopping too fast and/or tailgating.
  • Weather Snow, rain and storms often contribute to motorcycle accidents.
  • Left turn accidents More than 40% of all accidents involving a motorcycle and a second vehicle are caused by the other vehicle turning left across traffic. Commonly caused by drivers who misjudge the motorcyclist’s speed or distance, fail to see the motorcyclist, stop or turn in the motorcyclist’s path.
  • Distracted driving Driving while distracted is the leading cause of auto accidents in Alabama.
  • Defective roads Dangerous pavement, potholes, debris, and other dangerous signals and signs can cause accidents.
  • Sudden stops Stopping too fast in traffic or too fast for your speed.
  • Head-on collisions Head-on collisions caused by one vehicle in wrong lane.
  • Swerving in front of a cyclist Not giving the cyclist notice of lane change.
  • Overcompensating the front brake: When the front brake of the motorcycle stops too hard.
  • Vehicle and motorcycle defects: Defective parts or motorcycle design.
  • Riding without a valid motorcycle license: Not having a license or training.
  • Riding without a helmet/protective gear: Head injuries are often the result of not wearing a helmet.
  • Pulling out in front of a motorcycle: Pulling out or not yielding to motorcycle. in front of motorcycle.
  • Backing out of a parking spot without checking for motorcycles: Not looking before backing out in parking lots.
  • Riding on sidewalks.
  • Riding without protective gear.

Motorcyclists can enhance their safety during accidents by wearing essential protective gear such as helmets, jackets, gloves, and durable footwear. These gear items serve as a crucial layer of defense in minimizing the severity of injuries sustained, especially in the case of head trauma like traumatic brain injury. It’s worth noting that while wearing protective gear is instrumental in improving safety outcomes, it doesn’t provide absolute immunity from injuries in the event of a crash.

What Can Motorcyclists do to stay Safer on the Road?

To ensure safety on the road in Huntsville, it is essential to follow these key safety tips while riding a motorcycle:

1. Enroll in a motorcycle safety course to acquire the necessary skills and training for handling a motorcycle effectively.

2. Always wear protective gear such as bright clothing with reflective strips, and consider clothing made of Kevlar or leather to protect against road rash in case of a fall.

3. Make sure to wear a helmet every time you ride, as helmets greatly reduce the risk of serious injuries or fatalities in case of an accident.

4. Stay alert and be mindful of other vehicles on the road, especially those whose drivers may not be driving responsibly. Minimize distractions to keep your focus on the road.

5. Regularly maintain your motorcycle by checking that the lights, signals, brakes, tires, and fluids are in good working condition before each ride. Ensure that any cargo is securely fastened to prevent accidents. Following these safety tips can help ensure a safer riding experience on the roads of Huntsville.

Most Dangerous Roads for Motorcycles in Alabama

Dangerous roads are a major contributor to motorcycle vehicle accidents in North Alabama. The most dangerous road in Alabama is probably US Highway 431. It is also considered to be the fourth-deadliest road in the country. The other dangerous roads include:

  • Interstate 20, 214 miles through the center of the state
  • Interstate 65, 366 miles connecting Birmingham, Decatur, and Montgomer
  • Interstate 85, 80 miles going through Alabama
  • I565 through Huntsville

According to Drive Safe Alabama, a traffic crash was reported every 197 seconds in 2018 in our state. Most crashes occurred in urban areas, but rural areas had the most fatalities. Of the approximately 134,000 motor vehicle accidents last year in Alabama, motorcycles were only involved in about .6 % of the total crashes.

How Much Money Can I Recover

The amount of money you can recover in a Alabama motorcycle accident depends on a number of different factors including the following:

  • Cost of your medical treatment
  • Wages you lost because of the accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Insurance of liable party
  • Your own uninsured/underinsured insurance
  • Subrogation

How Long Do You Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Claim in Alabama?

In Alabama, there is a general two-year statute of limitations. This means that you have two years from the time of the motorcycle accident to file a lawsuit, or your case is gone forever. The statute is different if you are a minor. Even if you think the deadline to file your case might have passed, there may be other ways to extend the deadline. Talk to an attorney as soon as you can to preserve your claim.

What are the symptoms and consequences of a traumatic brain injury?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can result in various symptoms and potential consequences. Common symptoms of TBIs include persistent headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. These symptoms can manifest immediately after a motorcycle accident or may even appear days or weeks later. It is crucial to note that TBIs can have long-lasting effects and may necessitate extended treatment, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, for individuals to regain functionality. However, despite intensive treatment, some people may never fully recover from TBIs and could face permanent disabilities as a result.

The potential consequences of TBIs can be severe and significantly impact individuals’ lives. Besides the physical symptoms mentioned above, TBIs can also lead to cognitive impairments, including memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and decreased problem-solving abilities. In addition, emotional and behavioral changes may occur, such as mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety. TBIs can also affect a person’s overall quality of life, as individuals may face challenges in their personal relationships, education or career, and daily activities.

In the context of seeking compensation for TBIs resulting from motorcycle accidents, it is crucial to consider the potential consequences. Individuals who have suffered a TBI in such accidents may be eligible for compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Given the debilitating nature of TBIs and their potential long-term impacts, seeking the necessary financial support for medical treatments and other related expenses becomes vital in order to cope with the resulting challenges.

How We Can Investigate And Prepare Your Motorcycle Accident Case

Our motorcycle accident lawyers can start an investigation into your accident the day you hire us to represent you. We can go to the accident scene, talk to witnesses and gather evidence to establish who is at fault for your injuries. We can do the following:

  • Meet you in person. We can do this at our office, your home or place of business, or any other location you choose.
  • We will represent you based on a contingency fee agreement. We are paid if we win.
  • Get the accident report.
  • Hire accident reconstruction experts.
  • Visit the accident scene and take skid mark measurements.
  • Take photos and videos of the scene and the vehicles involved.
  • Get ahold of security camera footage.
  • Consult with experts.
  • Talk to witnesses and your doctors.
  • Investigate the other motorist’s driving history.
  • Gathering all medical records related to your motorcycle accident.
  • Get copies of your pay stubs from your employer.
  • Take pictures of any scarring or injuries.
  • Prepare a settlement brochure and offer.
  • Help with paying medical bills and living expenses.
  • File suit and prepare the case for trial. If we cannot settle the suit, we will file a lawsuit.
  • Mediate your case.
  • Try your case.

Common reasons for insurance injury denials in Alabama

  • Injury unrelated to accident: Make sure you receive medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident, otherwise insurance may argue your injury is from an unrelated incident.
  • Accident was your fault/contributory negligence: Insurance companies will work to show you were partially at fault for the accident.
  • No coverage: Driver policy canceled or the driver is not a covered driver.
  • Insured not cooperating: Insured must cooperate with their insurance company by providing accident report, giving statements and respond to phone calls.

Hospitals Serving North Alabama

People who are injured and require emergency care in North Alabama have many choices when it comes to medical care. If you have suffered serious trauma in your auto accidents you will normally be transported to one of the following hospitals. If you are in either hospital recovering from your injuries, we are available 24-7 to discuss your case. In most instances you will receive at least four bills when you are transported to one of these hospitals. The hospital bill, radiology bill, emergency physician bill and the ambulance bill. If necessary, you may receive other treatment and bills from orthopeadic surgeons and other physicians. You may be worried about how you will pay your medical bills and monthly bills. If necessary, we can connect you to companies that do low interest loans to cover your living expenses and medical bills while you recover. Our injury attorneys can help guide you through the process of recovering for your injuries. The hospitals in North Alabama are:

  • Decatur Morgan Hospital – Parkway Campus
    1874 Beltline Rd. S.W.
    Decatur, Alabama
    Phone: (256) 973-2000
  • Decatur Morgan Hospital – Decatur Campus
    1201 7th St. S.E.
    Decatur, Alabama 35601
    Phone: (256) 341-2000
  • Huntsville Hospital
    101 Sivley Rd SW
    Huntsville, Alabama 25801
    Phone: (256) 265-1000
  • Crestwood Medical Center
    One Hospital Drive
    Huntsville, AL 35801
    Phone: (256) 429-4000
  • Athens Limestone Hospital
    700 Market St W
    Athens, AL 35611
    Phone: (256) 233-9292
  • Cullman Regional Medical Center
    1912 AL-157
    Cullman, AL 35058
    Phone: (256) 737-2000
  • Madison Hospital
    8375 Hwy 72 W
    Madison, AL 35758
    Phone: (256) 265-2012
  • Highlands Medical Center
    380 Woods Cove Rd
    Scottsboro, AL 35768
    Phone: (256) 259-4444
  • Marshall Medical Center North
    8000 AL-69
    Guntersville, AL 35976
    Phone: (256) 571-8000
  • Marshall Medical Center South
    2505 US-431
    Boaz, AL 35957
    Phone: (256) 593-8310
  • North Alabama Medical Center
    1701 Veterans Dr
    Florence, AL 35630
    Phone: (256) 629-1000
  • DeKalb Regional Medical Center
    200 Medical Center Dr SW
    Fort Payne, AL 35968
    Phone: (256) 845-3150
  • Helen Keller Hospital
    1300 South Montgomery Avenue
    Sheffield, AL
    Phone: (256) 386-4196
  • Lawrence Medical Center
    202 Hospital Street
    Moulton, AL 35650
    Phone: (256) 974-2200
  • Gadsden Medical Center
    1007 Goodyear Ave
    Gadsden, AL 35903
    Phone: (256) 494-4000

Why Hire Motorcycle Accident Attorney Randy W. Ferguson

The law offices of Ferguson and Ferguson takes pride in giving each client individual and personal attention.

  • We are committed to excellent client service.
  • We care about our clients, and have patience.
  • We identify the party responsible for your injuries.
  • We obtain your medical records and bills.
  • We can help with financial assistance.
  • We will help you get necessary medical treatment.
  • We get your bills paid, reduced and/or eliminated.
  • Free phone consultation 24/7.
  • Free office consultation as late as 7 p.m. and Saturdays.
  • Two locations near you.
  • We answer all our clients calls, or return them promptly.
  • We make sure that our clients understand each step of their case.
  • Free assistance for motorcycle property damage.
  • We have great compassion for the physical, emotional, and financial problems that our clients suffered, and will do everything possible to get them through their difficult time.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a motorcycle accident caused by the negligence of another motorist, Ferguson & Ferguson can put its experience to work for you. Our desire and goal in any motorcycle case we accept are to see that our clients are compensated justly for their injuries or the loss of a family member. We fight for our client’s rights’ and have successfully recovered tens of millions of dollars in past cases. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers will thoroughly assess the extent of your injuries and damages to ensure that you receive a considerably larger payment. We understand that insurance companies may be reluctant to pay out large settlements and may not cover the full scope of potential damages. Therefore, we will negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company on your behalf, aiming to reach an adequate settlement amount that fully compensates you for all potential expenses.

If a settlement cannot be reached, we are prepared to proceed with continued legal action and take your motorcycle accident case to court. Throughout the entire legal process, we will handle all the necessary paperwork, deal with the insurance company, and work through the civil litigation process, keeping you informed and updated on the status of your case. It is crucial to file your claim within the statute of limitations, and our knowledgeable attorneys will ensure that your case is filed correctly and on time. At Ferguson & Ferguson, we understand the financial concerns you may have after a motorcycle accident. That’s why we work on a contingency basis, meaning you only pay for our legal representation if your case is won. This way, you can focus on your recovery without worrying about upfront costs. If you would like to know more about your rights and options after a serious accident, contact us for a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of our most frequently asked questions:

Do I need a lawyer after a motorcycle accident in Alabama?

In a motorcycle accident case, you are dealing with a team of insurance adjusters and attorneys. There job is to pay you as little as possible. One of the key advantages of working with a motorcycle accident lawyer is their ability to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.  A skilled lawyer can significantly increase the likelihood of obtaining a larger payment for your injuries. We understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters to undervalue or deny claims, and we will fight diligently to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. By having a lawyer handle these negotiations, you increase your chances of obtaining a significantly larger payment than you might receive on your own.At Ferguson & Ferguson, we believe in providing our services without any upfront costs. We only receive payment if we prevail in your lawsuit. Our priority is to ensure that our clients receive just compensation for their injuries or the loss of a loved one due to a motorcycle accident caused by another motorist’s negligence.

When you choose our Huntsville motorcycle accident law firm, you benefit from our extensive experience and commitment to fighting for our client’s rights. We have successfully recovered tens of millions of dollars in past cases, demonstrating our dedication to obtaining fair compensation for our clients. We understand the complexities of motorcycle accident cases and will put our expertise to work for you.

A Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer, like Randy Ferguson, specializes in helping individuals who have been involved in motorcycle accidents. Their primary goal is to assist you in getting your life back on track. With their extensive knowledge of the legal system, they can guide you through the entire process and handle all aspects related to your case. One of the main areas of expertise for a motorcycle accident lawyer is dealing with insurance providers. They understand the complexities of insurance policies and can effectively negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. This includes seeking reimbursement for property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and any other financial losses incurred due to the accident.

Additionally, a motorcycle accident lawyer understands the physical and emotional toll these accidents can take. They are well-equipped to pursue claims for pain, suffering, and any necessary long-term healthcare you may require. Their goal is to ensure that you are fully and properly compensated for all of the damages you have suffered. By relying on the expertise of a Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer, you can have peace of mind knowing that your case is being handled by a professional who is dedicated to fighting for your rights. They will work tirelessly to protect your interests, provide legal guidance, and assist you throughout the entire process.

During your free consultation, we will discuss your rights and options after a serious accident. Our lawyers will guide you through the process, handling all the legal details, including filing paperwork, negotiating with insurance companies, and, if necessary, representing you in court. We know that your focus should be on your recovery, and we will keep you updated on the progress of your case.

It’s important to act within the statute of limitations, which in Alabama is two years from the date of the accident. By promptly contacting us, we can ensure that your case is filed on time, protecting your right to seek compensation.

We understand the financial concerns that come with hiring a lawyer, which is why we offer our services on a contingency basis. This means that you don’t have to worry about upfront costs. Our fees are contingent upon winning your case, ensuring that you can access the legal help you need without any financial burden.

To learn more about how our Huntsville motorcycle accident lawyers can assist you, contact us for a free consultation. We are available to take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you, fighting for the justice and compensation you deserve.Contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who will give you a free consultation.

What are the financial and emotional challenges individuals face after being injured in a motorycle accident?

After being injured in a motorcycle accident, individuals often encounter a range of financial and emotional challenges. The aftermath of such accidents typically involves significant medical treatment, which can be financially burdensome due to its extensive nature. Moreover, the recovery period following a motorcycle accident is frequently lengthy, resulting in additional financial strain as individuals may be unable to work, leading to lost income. The financial challenges following a motorcycle accident may also involve costly medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and repair or replacement costs for damaged property. These financial burdens can accumulate quickly and may lead to stress and anxiety for the individuals affected. In addition to the immediate financial impacts, the emotional toll of a motorcycle accident injury can be substantial. Coping with pain, disability, and potential long-term effects of the injury can be emotionally draining. Furthermore, the mental health implications of a motorcycle accident can be profound, as individuals may experience trauma, anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the accident. These emotional challenges can further exacerbate the stress of coping with the financial aftermath of the accident. Overall, individuals injured in motorcycle accidents often face a complex and challenging combination of financial and emotional hurdles in the aftermath of the incident.

Do you have to wear a helmet in Alabama?

Yes, in Huntsville, Alabama all riders and passengers are required to wear a helmet.

Should I accept a settlement from an insurance company?

If you are injured, you should never accept a settlement from an insurance company before talking to an attorney. Insurance companies try to pay out as little money as possible in every case. An attorney can usually get you a much bigger settlement.

What injuries are most common from motorcycle accidents?

People injured in motorcycle accidents in Alabama often break bones, suffer traumatic brain injuries and often die. Other common injuries from motorcycle wrecks can include road rash, neck injuries, and herniated discs.

Is the daytime use of headlights required by law in Alabama?

Alabama requires the use of daytime headlights but allows a “modulating headlight” that changes between full power, low beam, and a dimming effect.

How much does a motorcycle accident lawyer cost?

We never charge a fee up front. We only get paid if we win your case. All consultations are free.

How much time do I have after my motorcycle accident to file a lawsuit?

Two years in Alabama, unless you are a minor.

What should I do after my motorcycle accident?

Call the police and do a report. Notify your insurance company. Take pictures of the accident scene and your injuries. Get medical treatment. Call our office.

Is lane splitting allowed in Alabama?

No, lane splitting is illegal in Alabama. According to Alabama law, motorcycles are required to have their own lane on the road, just like cars. Motorcyclists are not allowed to overtake other vehicles in the same lane or ride alongside them in the same lane. Additionally, they are prohibited from maneuvering between two marked traffic lanes on the white line. For example, motorcycles cannot attempt to navigate between two vehicles moving parallel to each other in neighboring lanes. The exception is when two motorcycles may ride together or side by side in the same lane, a practice known as lane sharing.

How effective are motorcycle crash bars?

Motorcycle crash bars, often referred to as engine guards or highway bars, serve the primary function of protecting both the motorcycle and its rider during accidents or when the motorcycle tips over. These bars are constructed from durable metals and are mounted on the motorcycle’s frame to act as a shield against the ground or other external objects during an incident.

The capacity of crash bars to mitigate damage to the motorcycle, especially to the engine and the bike’s body, is relatively well-documented. They are particularly beneficial in scenarios involving low-speed mishaps or when the motorcycle tips over gently, helping to preserve the integrity of the bike’s core components.

However, the impact of crash bars on rider safety is more complex and somewhat contested. There is evidence to suggest that while they provide structural protection to the motorcycle, they might not significantly decrease—and might even potentially increase—the risk of injury to the rider in certain crash scenarios. Specifically, crash bars could alter the way a crash unfolds, potentially leading to increased risks of lower body injuries if they cause the motorcycle to flip or impact the ground in unfavorable ways.

In conclusion, the effectiveness of motorcycle crash bars in enhancing rider safety can vary widely based on several factors. These include the nature of the crash, how the bars are designed, and the specific riding conditions. Motorcyclists should evaluate their individual riding habits, the environments in which they typically ride, and seek advice from safety experts before deciding to equip their bikes with crash bars. This cautious approach will help balance the benefits of protecting the motorcycle with the nuanced implications for rider safety.

What is the difference between lane splitting and lane sharing?

In Alabama, the distinction between lane splitting and lane sharing for motorcyclists is clear. Lane splitting refers to the practice of riding a motorcycle between two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, typically past stationary or slow-moving vehicles. In Alabama, this practice is not allowed. Riders are prohibited from passing vehicles by riding on the white line between marked traffic lanes.

On the other hand, lane sharing, which is legal in Alabama, involves two motorcycles riding next to each other or in a staggered formation within the same lane. It is important to note that lane sharing is only allowed for two motorcycles; three or more motorcycles are not permitted to share the same lane. When motorcyclists need to pass a vehicle while lane sharing, they must transition to the next lane over to do so safely and in accordance with the law. This distinction aims to ensure the safety of motorcyclists and other road users while navigating traffic in Alabama.

Can you wear headphones while riding in Alabama?

No, wearing headphones while driving your motorcycle is illegal in Alabama.

Do motorcycle owners have to have insurance in Alabama?

Yes, motorcycle riders in Huntsville, Alabama are required to have insurance.

What is the upfront cost to hire a motorcycle lawyer?

The Huntsville motorcycle accident attorney you choose does make a difference. Ferguson & Ferguson, located in Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama, are motorcycle accident lawyers who aggressively pursue legal rights for accident victims with significant physical or psychological injuries. When you choose to work with our experienced Huntsville motorcycle accident attorneys, you can rest assured that you will not be required to make any initial payments or deposits. We operate on a contingency basis, meaning that our fees are contingent upon the successful outcome of your case. In other words, you will only have to pay for legal representation if your case is won and you receive the compensation you deserve. By working on a contingency basis, we aim to alleviate any financial strain you may be facing after a motorcycle accident. This allows you to focus on your recovery and the necessary legal process without the added worry of how to pay for legal representation.

Why hire Ferguson & Ferguson?

A law firm specializing in motorcycle accidents can provide essential support to individuals who have been involved in a motorcycle accident. We understand the devastation and challenges that follow a motorcycle crash, including extensive medical treatment, recovery periods, medical bills, and missed work. By contacting a skilled law firm like Ferguson & Ferguson, individuals can receive the necessary legal representation to seek compensation for their injuries and financial losses. We offer free initial consultations to all motorcycle accident victims. We help individuals navigate the complexities of their situations and obtain the compensation they need and deserve during such difficult times.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Huntsville and require legal assistance, we encourage you to contact a Huntsville motorcycle accident lawyer at Bodewell Law today. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the support and representation you need to pursue your case successfully. Take the first step and reach out to us without any concerns about upfront costs.

Our Huntsville motorcycle accident lawyers are skilled at handling motorcycle accidents, including fatal accidents. If you or a member of your family is the victim of a Alabama freeway or highway accident, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact Ferguson & Ferguson for a free consultation and complimentary assessment of your case. We are happy to answer your questions and explain your legal options at no charge. Our staff is available to take your call 24 hours a day. Home and hospital visits are also available any where in the state of Alabama. To speak with attorney, call 256-534-3435 or 256-350-7200. We are here to help.

Huntsville Office Location:
303 Williams Avenue SW
Suite 321
Huntsville, AL 35801

Decatur Office Location:
211 Oak Street NE
Decatur, AL 35601

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We can help no matter what city and town in the State of Alabama:
Abbeville, Henry County | Abel, Clay County | Abernant, Tuscaloosa County | Acmar, St. Clair County | Ada, Montgomery County | Adamsville, Jefferson County | Addison, Winston County | Adger, Jefferson County | Akron, Hale County | Alabama City, Etowah County | Alabama Port, Mobile County | Alabaster, Shelby County | Alberta, Wilcox County | Albertville, Marshall County | Alden, Jefferson County | Alexander City, Tallapoosa County | Alexandria, Calhoun County | Aliceville, Pickens County | Allen, Clarke County | Allgood, Blount County | Alma, Clarke County | Almond, Randolph County | Alpine, Talladega County | Alton, Jefferson County | Altoona, Etowah County | Andalusia, Covington County | Anderson, Lauderdale County | Annemanie, Wilcox County | Anniston, Calhoun County | Aquilla, Washington County | Arab, Marshall County | Ardmore, Limestone County | Argo, Jefferson County | Ariton, Dale County | Arkadelphia, Cullman County | Arley, Winston County | Arlington, Wilcox County | Armstrong, Bullock County | Ashford, Houston County | Ashland, Clay County | Ashville, St. Clair County | Athens, Limestone County | Atmore, Escambia County | Attalla, Etowah County | Auburn, Lee County | Autaugaville, Autauga County | Avon, Houston County | Awin, Wilcox County | Axis, Mobile County

Babbie, Covington County | Baileyton, Cullman County | Baker Hill, Barbour County | Bangor, Blount County | Banks, Pike County | Bankston, Fayette County | Barfield, Clay County | Barlow, Washington County | Barney, Walker County | Bassetts Creek, Washington County | Battens Crossroads, Geneva County | Bay Minette, Baldwin County | Bayou La Batre, Mobile County | Bazemore, Fayette County | Bear Creek, Marion County | Beatrice, Monroe County | Beaverton, Lamar County | Belk, Fayette County | Bell Fountain, Baldwin County | Bellamy, Sumter County | Belle Mina, Limestone County | Belleville, Conecuh County | Bellwood, Geneva County | Benton, Lowndes County | Berry, Fayette County | Bessemer, Jefferson County | Beulah, Covington County | Big Cove, Madison County | Bigbee, Washington County | Billingsley, Autauga County | Birmingham, Jefferson County | Birmingport, Jefferson County | Black, Geneva County | Bladon Springs, Choctaw County | Blount Springs, Blount County | Blountsville, Blount County | Blue Mountain, Calhoun County | Blue Ridge, Elmore County | Blue Springs, Barbour County | Bluff, Fayette County | Boaz, Marshall County | Boligee, Greene County | Bolinger, Choctaw County | Bolling, Butler County | Bon Air, Talladega County | Bon Secour, Baldwin County | Booth, Autauga County | Boykin, Wilcox County | Bradford, Jefferson County | Bradley, Covington County | Braggs, Lowndes County | Branchville, St. Clair County | Brantley, Crenshaw County | Bremen, Cullman County | Brent, Bibb County | Brewton, Escambia County | Bridgeport, Jackson County | Brierfield, Bibb County | Brighton, Jefferson County | Brilliant, Marion County | Bromley, Baldwin County | Brooklyn, Conecuh County | Brookside, Jefferson County | Brooksville, Blount County | Brookwood, Tuscaloosa County | Browns, Dallas County | Brownsboro, Madison County | Brundidge, Pike County | Bryant, Jackson County | Bucks, Mobile County | Buena Vista, Monroe County | Buhl, Tuscaloosa County | Bull Slough, Conecuh County | Burkville, Lowndes County | Burmuda, Conecuh County | Burningtree Mountain, Morgan County | Burnt Corn, Monroe County | Burntout, Franklin County | Burnwell, Walker County | Butler, Choctaw County | Bynum, Calhoun County

Cahaba, Dallas County | Cahaba Heights, Jefferson County | Calera, Shelby County | Calvert, Washington County | Camden, Wilcox County | Camp Hill, Tallapoosa County | Campbell, Clarke County | Capshaw, Limestone County | Carbon Hill, Walker County | Cardiff, Jefferson County | Carlton, Clarke County | Carolina, Covington County | Carrollton, Pickens County | Castleberry, Conecuh County | Catherine, Wilcox County | Cecil, Montgomery County | Cedar Bluff, Cherokee County | Center Point, Jefferson County | Centerville, Conecuh County | Centre, Cherokee County | Centreville, Bibb County | Chalkville, Jefferson County | Chancellor, Geneva County | Chapman, Butler County | Chatom, Washington County | Chelsea, Shelby County | Cherokee, Colbert County | Chickasaw, Mobile County | Childersburg, Talladega County | Choccolocco, Calhoun County | Citronelle, Mobile County | Clanton, Chilton County | Claud, Elmore County | Clay, Jefferson County | Clayhatchee, Dale County | Clayton, Barbour County | Cleveland, Blount County | Clio, Barbour County | Clopton, Dale County | Cloverdale, Lauderdale County | Coaling, Tuscaloosa County | Coden, Mobile County | Coffee Springs, Geneva County | Coffeeville, Clarke County | Coker, Tuscaloosa County | Collinsville, DeKalb County | Colony, Cullman County | Columbia, Houston County | Columbiana, Shelby County | Concord, Jefferson County | Cook Springs, St. Clair County | Coosada, Elmore County | Cordova, Walker County | Corner, Jefferson County | Cottondale, Tuscaloosa County | Cottonton, Russell County | Cottonwood, Houston County | County Line, Blount County | Courtland, Lawrence County | Cowarts, Houston County | Coy, Wilcox County | Cragford, Clay County | Crane Hill, Cullman County | Crawford, Russell County | Creola, Mobile County | Cromwell, Choctaw County | Cropwell, St. Clair County | Crosston, Jefferson County | Crossville, DeKalb County | Cuba, Sumter County | Cullman, Cullman County | Cusseta, Chambers County

Dadeville, Tallapoosa County | Daleville, Dale County | Dallas, Blount County | Danville, Morgan County | Daphne, Baldwin County | Dauphin Island, Mobile County | Daviston, Tallapoosa County | Dawson, DeKalb County | Dayton, Marengo County | De Armanville, Calhoun County | Deatsville, Elmore County | Decatur, Morgan County | Deer Park, Washington County | Delmar, Winston County | Delta, Clay County | Demopolis, Marengo County | Detroit, Lamar County | Dickinson, Clarke County | Dixiana, Jefferson County | Dixons Mills, Marengo County | Docena, Jefferson County | Dodge City, Cullman County | Dolomite, Jefferson County | Dora, Walker County | Dothan, Houston County | Double Springs, Winston County | Douglas, Marshall County | Dozier, Crenshaw County | Duncanville, Tuscaloosa County | Dunnavant, Shelby County | Dutton, Jackson County

East Brewton, Escambia County | Eastaboga, Calhoun County | Eclectic, Elmore County | Edgewater, Jefferson County | Edwardsville, Cleburne County | Eight Mile, Mobile County | Elba, Coffee County | Elberta, Baldwin County | Eldridge, Walker County | Elgin, Lauderdale County | Elkmont, Limestone County | Elmore, Elmore County | Emelle, Sumter County | Empire, Walker County | Enterprise, Coffee County | Equality, Coosa County | Epes, Sumter County | Ethelsville, Pickens County | Eufaula, Barbour County | Eunola, Geneva County | Eutaw, Greene County | Eva, Morgan County | Evergreen, Conecuh County | Excel, Monroe County

Fagala, Alabama Fairfield, Jefferson County | Fairhope, Baldwin County | Fairview, Cullman County | Falkville, Morgan County | Faunsdale, Marengo County | Fayette, Fayette County | Fayetteville, Talladega County | Five Points, Chambers County | Flat Rock, Jackson County | Flomaton, Escambia County | Florala, Covington County | Florence, Lauderdale County | Foley, Baldwin County | Forestdale, Jefferson County | Forkland, Greene County | Fort Deposit, Lowndes County | Fort McClellan, Calhoun County | Fort Mitchell, Russell County | Fort Morgan, Baldwin County | Fort Payne, DeKalb County | Fort Rucker, Dale County | Franklin, Macon County | Frisco City, Monroe County | Fruithurst, Cleburne County | Fulton, Clarke County | Fultondale, Jefferson County | Fyffe, DeKalb County

Gadsden, Etowah County | Gainesville, Sumter County | Gallion, Hale County | Gantt, Covington County | Garden City, Cullman County | Gardendale, Jefferson County | Gaylesville, Cherokee County | Geiger, Sumter County | Geneva, Geneva County | Georgiana, Butler County | Geraldine, DeKalb County | Gilbertown, Choctaw County | Glen Allen, Fayette County | Glencoe, Etowah County | Glenwood, Crenshaw County | Goldville, Tallapoosa County | Good Hope, Cullman County | Goodwater, Coosa County | Gordo, Pickens County | Gordon, Houston County | Gordonville, Lowndes County | Gorham’s Bluff, Jackson County | Goshen, Pike County | Grady, Montgomery County | Graham, Randolph County | Grand Bay, Mobile County | Grant, Marshall County | Grayson Valley, Jefferson County | Graysville, Jefferson County | Greenhill, Lauderdale County | Greensboro, Hale County | Greenville, Butler County | Grimes, Dale County | Grove Hill, Clarke County | Grove Oak, DeKalb County | Guin, Marion County | Gulf Shores, Baldwin County | Gum Springs, Blount County | Guntersville, Marshall County | Gurley, Madison County | Gu-Win, Marion County

Hackleburg, Marion County | Haleburg, Henry County | Haleyville, Winston County | Hamilton, Marion County | Hammondville, DeKalb County | Hanceville, Cullman County | Harpersville, Shelby County | Hartford, Geneva County | Hartselle, Morgan County | Harvest, Madison County | Hayden, Blount County | Hayneville, Lowndes County | Hazel Green, Madison County | Headland, Henry County | Heath, Covington County | Heflin, Cleburne County | Helena, Shelby County | Henagar, DeKalb County | Higdon, Jackson County | Highland Home, Crenshaw County | Highland Lake, Blount County | Hillsboro, Lawrence County | Hobson City, Calhoun County | Hodges, Franklin County | Hokes Bluff, Etowah County | Holly Pond, Cullman County | Hollywood, Jackson County | Holt, Tuscaloosa County | Holy Trinity, Russell County | Homewood, Jefferson County | Hoods Crossroads, Blount County | Hoover, Jefferson County | Hope Hull, Montgomery County | Horn Hill, Covington County | Horton, Marshall County | Houston, Wintson County | Hueytown, Jefferson County | Huguley, Chambers County | Hulaco, Morgan County | Huntsville, Madison County | Hurtsboro, Russell County | Hytop, Jackson County |
Ider, DeKalb County | Indian Springs Village, Shelby County | Inverness, Bullock County | Inverness, Shelby County | Irondale, Jefferson County | Irvington, Mobile County | J
Jack, Coffee County | Jackson, Clarke County | Jacksons’ Gap, Tallapoosa County | Jacksonville, Calhoun County | Jasper, Walker County | Jemison, Chilton County | Joppa, Cullman County

Kansas, Walker County | Kellerman, Tuscaloosa County | Kellyton, Coosa County | Kennedy, Lamar County | Kent, Elmore County | Killen, Lauderdale County | Kimberly, Jefferson County | Kimbrough, Wilcox County | Kinsey, Houston County | Kinston, Coffee County | Knoxville, Greene County

Lacey’s Spring, Morgan County | Lacon, Morgan County | Ladonia, Russell County | La Fayette, Chambers County | Lake Purdy, Shelby County | Lake View, Tuscaloosa County | Lakeview, DeKalb County | Lanett, Chambers County | Langston, Jackson County | Leeds, Jefferson County | Leesburg, Cherokee County | Leighton, Colbert County | Leroy, Washington County | Lester, Limestone County | Letohatchee, Lowndes County | Level Plains, Dale County | Lexington, Lauderdale County | Libertyville, Covington County | Lillian, Baldwin County | Lincoln, Talladega County | Linden, Marengo County | Lineville, Clay County | Lipscomb, Jefferson County | Lisman, Choctaw County | Littleville, Colbert County | Livingston, Sumter County | Loachapoka, Lee County | Lockhart, Covington County | Locust Fork, Blount County | Louisville, Barbour County | Lower Peachtree, Wilcox County | Lowndesboro, Lowndes County | Loxley, Baldwin County | Luverne, Crenshaw County | Lynn, Winston County

Madison, Madison County | Madrid, Houston County | Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County | Majestic, Jefferson County | Malvern, Geneva County | Maplesville, Chilton County | Margaret, St. Clair County | Marbury, Autauga County | Marion, Perry County | Marion Junction, Dallas County | Marvyn, Lee County | Masseyline, Jefferson County | Maytown, Jefferson County | McCalla, Jefferson County | McDonald Chapel, Jefferson County | McIntosh, Washington County | McKenzie, Butler County | McMullen, Pickens County | Meadowbrook, Shelby County | Mellow Valley, Clay County | Memphis, Pickens County | Mentone, DeKalb County | Meridianville, Madison County | Midfield, Jefferson County | Midland City, Dale County | Midway, Bullock County | Mignon, Talladega County | Millbrook, Elmore County | Millers Ferry, Wilcox County | Millport, Lamar County | Millry, Washington County | Mobile, Mobile County | Mon Louis, Mobile County | Monroeville, Monroe County | Montevallo, Shelby County | Montgomery, Montgomery County | Montrose, Baldwin County | Moody, St. Clair County | Moores Mill, Madison County | Mooresville, Limestone County
*Morgan City, Morgan County | Morris, Jefferson County | Mosses, Lowndes County | Moulton, Lawrence County | Moulton Heights, Morgan County | Moundville, Hale County | Mount High, Blount County | Mount Hope, Lawrence County | Mount Meigs, Montgomery County | Mount Olive, Jefferson County | Mount Vernon, Mobile County | Mountain Brook, Jefferson County | Mountain Creek, Chilton County | Mountainboro, Etowah County | Mulga, Jefferson County | Munford, Talladega County | Muscle Shoals, Colbert County | Myrtlewood, Marengo County

Nanafalia, Marengo County | Napier Field, Dale County | Natural Bridge, Winston County | Nauvoo, Walker County | Nectar, Blount County | Needham, Choctaw County | New Brockton, Coffee County | New Hope, Madison County | New Market, Madison County | New Site, Tallapoosa County | Newbern, Hale County | Newell, Randolph County | Newton, Dale County | Newville, Henry County | Normal, Madison County | North Bibb, Bibb County | North Courtland, Lawrence County | North Johns, Jefferson County | Northport, Tuscaloosa County | Notasulga, Macon County

Oak Grove, Jefferson County | Oak Grove, Talladega County | Oak Hill, Wilcox County | Oakman, Walker County | Oakville, Lawrence County | Odenville, St. Clair County | Ohatchee, Calhoun County | Oneonta, Blount County | Onycha, Covington County | Opelika, Lee County | Opp, Covington County | Orange Beach, Baldwin County | Orion, Pike County | Orrville, Dallas County | Owens Cross Roads, Madison County | Oxford, Calhoun County | Ozark, Dale County

Paint Rock, Jackson County | Palmerdale, Jefferson County | Parrish, Walker County | Pelham, Shelby County | Pell City, St. Clair County | Pennington, Choctaw County | Perdido, Baldwin County | Perote, Bullock County | Peterman, Monroe County | Peterson, Tuscaloosa County | Petrey, Crenshaw County | Phenix City, Russell County | Phil Campbell, Franklin County | Pickensville, Pickens County | Piedmont, Calhoun County | Pike Road, Montgomery County | Pinckard, Dale County | Pine Apple, Wilcox County | Pine Hill, Wilcox County | Pine Ridge, DeKalb County | Pinson, Jefferson County | Pisgah, Jackson County | Plantersville, Dallas County | Pleasant Grove, Jefferson County | Pleasant Groves, Jackson County | Point Clear, Baldwin County | Pollard, Escambia County | Powell, DeKalb County | Prairieville, Hale County | Prattville, Autauga County | Priceville, Morgan County | Prichard, Mobile County | Providence, Marengo County

Quinton, Walker County | R
Ragland, St. Clair County | Rainbow City, Etowah County | Rainsville, DeKalb County | Ralph, Tuscaloosa County | Ramer, Montgomery County | Ranburne, Cleburne County | Red Bay, Franklin County | Red Hill, Blount County | Red Level, Covington County | Redstone Arsenal, Madison County | Reece City, Etowah County | Reform, Pickens County | Rehobeth, Houston County | Remlap, Blount County | Repton, Conecuh County | Ridgeville, Etowah County | River Falls, Covington County | Riverside, St. Clair County | Riverview, Escambia County | Roanoke, Randolph County | Robertsdale, Baldwin County | Rock Creek, Jefferson County | Rockford, Coosa County | Rock Mills, Randolph County | Rogersville, Lauderdale County | Rosa, Blount County | Russellville, Franklin County | Rutledge, Crenshaw County

Safford, Dallas County | Saginaw, Shelby County | Saks, Calhoun County | Salem, Lee County | Samantha, Tuscaloosa County | Samson, Geneva County | Sand Rock, Cherokee County | Sanford, Covington County | Saraland, Mobile County | Sardis City, Etowah County | Satsuma, Mobile County | Sawyerville, Hale County | Sayre, Jefferson County | Scottsboro, Jackson County | Seale, Russell County | Section, Jackson County | Selfville, Blount County | Selma, Dallas County | Selmont-West Selmont, Dallas County | Seminole, Baldwin County | Semmes, Mobile County | Sheffield, Colbert County | Shelby, Shelby County | Shiloh, DeKalb County | Shorter, Macon County | Silas, Choctaw County | Silverhill, Baldwin County | Sipsey, Walker County | Skyline, Jackson County | Slocomb, Geneva County | Smiths Station, Lee County | Smoke Rise, Blount County | Snead, Blount County | Snow Hill, Wilcox County | Somerville, Morgan County | South Vinemont, Cullman County | Southside, Etowah County | Spanish Fort, Baldwin County | Spring Hill, Barbour County | Spring Valley, Colbert County | Springville, St. Clair County | Sprott, Perry County | Spruce Pine, Franklin County | St. Clair Springs, St. Clair County | St. Florian, Lauderdale County | St. Stephens, Washington County | Stapleton, Baldwin County | Steele, St. Clair County | Sterrett, Shelby County | Stevenson, Jackson County | Stockton, Baldwin County | Straight Mountain, Blount County | Sulligent, Lamar County | Sumiton, Walker County | Summerdale, Baldwin County | Summit, Blount County | Susan Moore, Blount County | Sweet Water, Marengo County | Sylacauga, Talladega County | Sylvan Springs, Jefferson County | Sylvania, DeKalb County

Talladega, Talladega County | Talladega Springs, Talladega County | Tallassee, Elmore County | Tannehill, Tuscaloosa County | Tanner, Limestone County | Tarrant, Jefferson County | Taylor, Houston County | Tensaw, Baldwin County | Theodore, Mobile County | Thomaston, Marengo County | Thomasville, Clarke County | Thorsby, Chilton County | Tillmans Corner, Mobile County | Town Creek, Lawrence County | Toxey, Choctaw County | Trafford, Jefferson County | Triana, Madison County | Trinity, Morgan County | Troy, Pike County | Trussville, Jefferson County | Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County | Tuscumbia, Colbert County | Tuskegee, Macon County

Underwood-Petersville, Lauderdale County | Union, Greene County | Union Grove, Marshall County | Union Springs, Bullock County | Uniontown, Perry County | Uriah, Monroe County

Valhermoso Springs, Morgan County | Valley, Chambers County | Valley Head, DeKalb County | Vance, Tuscaloosa County | Verbena, Chilton County | Vernon, Lamar County | Vestavia Hills, Jefferson County | Village Springs, Jefferson County | Vina, Franklin County | Vincent, Shelby County | Vineland, Marengo County | Vinemont, Cullman County | Vredenburgh, Monroe County

Wadley, Randolph County | Wagarville, Washington County | Waldo, Talladega County | Walnut Grove, Etowah County | Warrior, Jefferson County | Waterloo, Lauderdale County | Watson, Jefferson County | Waugh, Montgomery County | Waverly, Chambers County | Weaver, Calhoun County | Webb, Houston County | Wedowee, Randolph County | West Blocton, Bibb County | West End-Cobb Town, Calhoun County | West Jefferson, Jefferson County | West Point, Cullman County | Westover, Shelby County | Wetumpka, Elmore County | White Hall, Lowndes County | Wilmer, Mobile County | Wilsonville, Shelby County | Wilton, Shelby County | Winfield, Marion County | Winterboro, Talladega County | Woodland, Randolph County | Woodstock, Bibb County | Woodville, Jackson County | Wren, Lawrence County

Yellow Bluff, Wilcox County | Yellow Pine, Washington County | York, Sumter County |



“You cannot get any better than Jackie. Completely professional, fair, understanding and trustworthy. We were facing an almost impossible situation but with Jackie's tenacity and God's grace it all turned in our favor. I highly recommend Jackie Ferguson Graham.”

- Shane

“Very professional and courteous. They kept me informed and walked things through step by step. Took care of my case in a timely manner as well. I'm very pleased.”

- Joshua

“Randy took good care of our son in his case. He is nothing but the best. If You ever need someone who you can count on to do his best for you, he is the one to pick. Thank You for your fine job!”

- Steph
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Huntsville Office
303 Williams Avenue SW, Suite 321 Huntsville, Alabama 35801

Decatur Office
211 Oak Street NE Decatur, Alabama 35601
(256) 350-7200

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