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Bicycle Accidents

Huntsville, AL, Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Best Decatur Bicycle Accident Lawyer Near Me

We can help you in Madison, Morgan, Lawrence, and Limestone counties and the surrounding areas.

In 2020, there were 220 accidents involving cyclists. One hundred sixty-eight (168) of them were injured, and eight (8) cyclists were killed. Fourteen percent (14%) of cycling accidents in the state occur on rural routes and 86% on urban streets. There were 857 bicyclists killed in traffic crashes in the United States in 2018. Most bicycle accidents are caused by motorists who simply do not see the bicyclists when they are at intersections or in the traffic lane. Even though bicycles share the same responsibilities as automobiles, unfortunately they are much easier to hit and result in greater, even catastrophic, injuries. Many cycling accidents occur in the bike lane, on crosswalks, and in the blind spots of other vehicles. If you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident in Alabama, our bicycle accident attorneys are here to help. We understand and offer a FREE consultation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call now 256-534-3435.

If you have been struck while riding a bike, chances are that you have sustained severe injuries. In the event that you are injured and go to the hospital, be sure to have documentation produced for you that will provide support for an accident injury claim if you are going to proceed with our lawyers regarding an accident settlement or lawsuit. Always cooperate with law enforcement officials if they request a statement at the scene or hospital, and obtain a copy of any police reports. This will assist your attorney in pursuing payment of your medical expenses and other damages.

What to do After an Alabama Bicycle Accident

If you have been in a bicycle crash, below is a list of things you need to do:

  • Immediately file an accident report with the police, sheriff, or highway patrol if the agency has not done so at the scene.
  • Do not leave the scene of the accident until the police have told you that you are free to go.
  • Write down the name, address, insurance information, vehicle license number, and driver’s license number of any and all persons involved in the accident. Record the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all witnesses.
  • Obtain photographs of the accident scene, all vehicles involved (before repairing), and any visible injuries to the parties involved, such as cuts, bruises, and scars.
  • Do not discuss the accident or your injuries with anyone, with the exception of your doctor and your attorney.
  • Do not consent to a recorded statement or sign any document without first reviewing it with your attorney. Innocent statements made by you attempting to assist an insurance adjuster can easily be misinterpreted and used to deny or minimize your recovery.
  • Immediately seek medical attention and tell your doctor the nature and extent of your pain and injury and how the injury occurred.
  • Don’t post medical updates about your recovery; don’t post any physical activities you may or may not be doing. Stay off social media.
  • Keep all of the GPS, GoPro, and Strava data from that ride.
  • Hire an experienced bicycle accident attorney, not a television or billboard attorney who you will never meet.
  • Track your expenses.
    A strong claim clearly outlines the financial impact of your accident. Keep records of your:

    • medical bills,
    • mileage driven to doctors’ appointments,
    • rental bike expenses,
    • time away from work,
    • and any other expenses your accident has caused.

Bike Accident Injuries

Although mandatory helmet laws and the use of other safety equipment such as lights, flashers, and proper clothing can reduce the chance of a bike crash, if one does occur, it usually results in significant personal injury. The most common injuries are:

  • Concussions and closed-head injuries
  • Fractures of arms, legs and ribs
  • Spinal injuries, including herniated discs
  • Contusions, bruises, contusions, and severe abrasions often called road rash
  • Internal bleeding and injuries to vital organs
  • Lacerations
  • Eye injury
  • Chest injury
  • Degloving injury
  • Amputation
  • Paralysis
  • Wrongful death
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Strained ligaments
  • Back muscle sprains
  • Jaw injuries
  • Loss of teeth
  • Neck injuries
  • Crushed larynx
  • Crushed trachea
  • Broken neck
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Penetration injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues

In Huntsville, some of the most common bicycle-related injuries include cuts, scrapes, and contusions. These injuries are frequently seen among cyclists who ride in areas with rough terrain or without dedicated paths. Accidents involving motor vehicles and bicycles are also prevalent, often resulting in broken bones, head injuries, back injuries, and neck injuries. Head injuries are particularly concerning as they account for a significant percentage of long-term disabilities and fatalities from bicycle accidents in the city.

Who is liable for my bicycle accident in Alabama?

If you or a loved one is injured or killed in a bicycle accident, it’s important to maximize your recovery.The parties at fault could include:

  • Driver of the motor vehicle;
  • Commercial businesses (trucking companies, delivery companies, etc.) if the driver of the vehicle was on the clock;
  • Governmental agencies or public entities;
  • Road construction companies and contractors;
  • Pedestrians

Alabama Bicycle Rider Obligations?

  • Cyclists in Alabama must ride on the right side of the road.
  • If a bike path is available, you should use the bike path.
  • No more than two bicycle riders can ride alongside each other in the same lane.
  • At night, a bike must have a white headlamp or light that can be seen from a distance of at least 500 feet and a red rear reflector that can be seen from 100 to 600 feet.
  • Riders in Alabama under the age of sixteen must wear a bicycle helmet.

Common reasons for insurance injury denials in Alabama

  • Injury unrelated to the accident: Make sure you receive medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident; otherwise, insurance may argue your injury is from an unrelated incident.
  • Accident was your fault/contributory negligence: Insurance companies will work to show you were partially at fault for the accident.
  • No coverage: the driver policy has been canceled or the driver is not a covered driver.
  • Insured not cooperating: The insured must cooperate with their insurance company by providing an accident report, giving statements, and responding to phone calls.

Bicycle Accident Statistics

The statistics and facts you should know about bicycle accidents include the following:

  • In 2019, nearly 900 cyclists were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States. Cyclist deaths accounted for 2.1 percent of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities.
  • Bicyclist deaths occurred most often between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Bicyclist deaths occur most often in urban areas (75%), compared to rural areas (25%).
  • Bicyclist deaths were 8 times higher for males than females in 2017.
  • Alcohol was involved in 37% of all fatal bicycle crashes in 2017.
  • Cyclist fatalities were highest in Florida (125), California (124), and Texas (59).
  • The nation’s injuries from bicycling average 49,000 per year. On average, that costs the National Safety Council $4 billion a year.
  • Over the past 10 years (2008–2017), the average age of pedal cyclists killed in motor vehicle crashes has increased from 41 to 47.

Important Things To Do When Biking In Alabama

When going for a ride, always remember the following:

  • Ride a bike that fits you.
  • Make sure your bike is in good mechanical order.
  • Ride with a cell phone, personal identification, emergency contact, and something to write with.
  • Wear bright clothing, a bike helmet, reflective gear, a white front light, a red rear light, and reflectors.
  • Ride with both hands unless doing a turn signal
  • Make sure the shoelaces are tightly tied.
  • Know your route and do not make quick jerky turns or lane changes.
  • Carry all items in a backpack.
  • Drive defensively.
  • Be alert, and watch all drivers and their movements.
  • Drive in the same direction as traffic.
  • Obey all lights, signs, and hazards.
  • Never text, talk, or take pictures with your phone.
  • Do not wear headphones or sound-blocking equipment.
  • Never use drugs or alcohol before or during a ride.
  • Check your law to make sure sidewalk riding is legal.
  • Watch for pedestrians.
  • Pass pedestrians by announcing “on your left” or “passing on your left” or using a bell.
  • Slow down and look for cars backing out of driveways or turning.
  • Use bike lanes when it is safe to do so.

Bicycle Damages You Can Recover For In Alabama

Most vehicle-bicycle accidents are caused by the driver’s inattention. The Huntsville Law Office of Ferguson and Ferguson is an experienced bicycle accident law firm with a long track record of obtaining for clients the compensation and accountability they deserve. An individual who negligently operates a motor vehicle in Huntsville may be liable for a wide variety of damages that an accident can cause, including but not limited to the following:

  • Disability and Disfigurement
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Medical Bills
  • Prescriptions
  • Future Medical Costs
  • Lost Wages: If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, it’s important to understand the potential consequences. One of these consequences could be lost wages. This means that you may be unable to work and earn a living as a result of your injuries. It’s crucial to seek appropriate medical care and legal assistance to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and any financial losses you have incurred.
  • Loss of Earning Capacity
  • Mental and Emotional Distress: In addition to the physical injuries that these safety measures aim to mitigate, it is important to acknowledge the emotional distress that can follow a bicycle accident. Victims may experience a spectrum of psychological effects, including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder-like symptoms such as flashbacks, persistent fear of cycling, heightened anxiety, and episodes of depression.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and Suffering:
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Medical devices (crutches, wheelchairs)
  • Bicycle repair or replacement value
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Wrongful Death

A bicyclist’s actions play a significant role in determining their ability to seek monetary compensation for losses and injuries following an accident. Bicyclists must adhere to traffic laws just like any other driver. Negligent behavior or failing to follow the rules of the road can have serious consequences in the event of an accident. Alabama law operates on the principle of contributory negligence, where even minimal fault on the part of the injured party can bar them from recovering damages. This means that if a bicyclist is found to bear any responsibility for an accident, even as low as one percent, they may be prevented from pursuing compensation through a civil lawsuit. Understanding and abiding by traffic laws and safety regulations is crucial for bicyclists to protect their legal rights in the event of an accident.

What are some common types of bicycle accidents that happen in Huntsville, AL

1. What is a T-bone or broadside bicycle accident and when does it typically occur?

A T-bone or broadside bicycle accident happens when the front of a vehicle strikes the side of a bicycle, often occurring at traffic intersections.

2. What is a head-on bicycle crash and what are the potential consequences?

A head-on bicycle crash occurs when another vehicle hits the front tire of a bicycle, potentially resulting in fatal injuries for the bicyclist, especially if hit with significant force.

3. What is a rear-end collision in the context of bicycle accidents?

A rear-end collision involves the front of a vehicle hitting the back tire of a bicycle, often causing the cyclist to be dislodged from their bicycle and sustain injuries.

4. How do sideswipe collisions between vehicles and bicycles occur?

Sideswipe collisions occur when the side of a vehicle hits the side of a bicycle traveling in an adjacent traffic lane or designated bicycle lane.

Causes of bicycle accidents in Alabama:

Bicycle accidents can be caused by any of the following:

  • Car and Bike Driver negligence
  • Automobile Drunk driving
  • Car and Bike Drivers failing to yield
  • Defective maintenance of bike paths
  • Defective bicycle
  • Left-turning vehicle at an Intersection
  • Left-turning vehicle through a Gap in Traffic
  • Right-Turning Vehicle Traveling Ahead of a Cyclist
  • Right-turning vehicle overtaking a Cyclist
  • Doored on the Driver’s Side
  • Doored on the Passenger’s Side
  • Rear-Ended by a Vehicle When Merging Across Lanes to Turn Left
  • Side-swiped by a Passing Vehicle
  • Rear-Ended by a Passing Vehicle
  • Dog attack
  • Potholes
  • Malfunctioning Traffic Lights
  • Improper Placement of Utility Poles or Trees near the Roadway
  • Foliage: Obstructing stop signs or other signs
  • Lack of a properly designed shoulder
  • Improper design or placement of median barriers
  • Improper lane width
  • Improperly designed intersections
  • Narrow bridge abutments
  • Uncovered ditches, obstructions or poor drainage
  • Construction site violations

Frequently Asked Bicycle Accident Questions

These are some of our most frequently asked questions:

If I wasn’t wearing a helmet during my accident, am I still entitled to compensation?

Yes, you can still recover.

Do I need a lawyer after a bicycle accident?

In a bicycle accident case, you are dealing with a team of insurance adjusters and attorneys. There job is to pay you as little as possible. Contact an experienced car accident attorney who will give you a free consultation.

How can you make yourself more visible to drivers on the road?

To enhance your visibility as a cyclist to other drivers on the road, there are several measures you can take. Firstly, ensure that you have a functioning front headlight and a rear reflector, as these are required by law for night riding. Additionally, consider wearing bright colors not only during the night but also during the day to make yourself more noticeable to vehicles around you. These simple yet effective steps will help increase your visibility and ensure a safer cycling experience.

How can bicyclists seek compensation after a crash?

By contacting an experienced bicycle accident lawyer, cyclists can schedule a free consultation to discuss their case and explore potential avenues for seeking compensation to help them rebuild their lives after the accident.

What are some bicycle safety tips for avoiding accidents in Alabama?

1. Enhance your visibility: Make yourself more visible to other road users by using a front headlight and rear reflector, especially during night rides. Wearing bright colors, both day and night, can also increase your visibility.

2. Stay alert and aware: Keep your focus on the road and be mindful of your surroundings. Stay alert to potential hazards such as open car doors or sewer grates. Avoid wearing headphones while biking to ensure your full attention is on the road. Also, rely on your hearing to detect approaching vehicles and sounds that may indicate potential danger.

3. Maintain your bicycle regularly: Implement routine maintenance checks on your bike. Ensure your brakes and tires are in good condition, as they play a crucial role in controlling your speed and enabling emergency stops.

4. Obey traffic signs and signals: Remember that, as a cyclist, you are considered a vehicle on the road. Adhere to all traffic signs, signals, and right-of-way rules. By following the rules of the road, you help other motorists predict your movements.

5. Choose designated areas for riding: When sharing the road with motor vehicles, ride as far to the right as possible, and when available, utilize assigned bicycle paths. This helps minimize your interaction with vehicles and provides a safer route for cycling.

What Alabama bicycle laws should all drivers and cyclists know?

1. Bicycles are considered vehicles. Cyclists have the same rights and duties as any other vehicle on the road in Alabama. This means they must obey traffic signs and signals.

2. Riding position: Cyclists should ride as far to the right as practicable, except when making a left turn. This helps create a safe distance between bicycles and motor vehicles. Riding two abreast on roadways is limited to a maximum of two cyclists.

3. Sidewalk usage: Bicycles are not allowed on sidewalks in Alabama. They are intended for pedestrian use only.

4. Bike path usage: When a designated bike path is available, cyclists should utilize it instead of riding on the roadway. These paths may include specific bike lanes or marked sidewalks.

5. Helmet usage: Bicyclists under the age of 16 are required to wear helmets that fit well and are securely fastened. Although not legally mandated for those 16 and older, wearing a helmet is strongly recommended for safety.

6. Night visibility: Cyclists must enhance visibility at night. A white light that can be seen from at least 500 feet ahead should be mounted on the front of the bicycle. Additionally, a red reflector visible from up to 600 feet must be installed on the rear of the bike.

7. No alcohol or intoxicant consumption: Bicycling under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants is prohibited, as bicycles are considered vehicles under Alabama state law.

8. No attachment to motor vehicles: Cyclists are not allowed to attach themselves or their bicycles to motor vehicles, such as holding onto a moving vehicle for transport.

9. Safe passing distance: Motor vehicles overtaking a bicycle must leave at least 3 feet of space between the vehicle and the cyclist. This “3 Foot Bike Law” helps ensure the safety of cyclists on the road.

10. Vehicle door safety: When a car is parked on the side of the road, drivers must ensure it is safe to open their doors without interfering with traffic, including oncoming bicycles.

In Huntsville, Alabama, violating bicycle laws can result in misdemeanor charges. Additionally, parents who knowingly allow their children to break these laws, such as by riding without a proper helmet or using inadequate seat restraints, could be held criminally responsible for their children’s actions. This means that parents may face legal consequences if their children ride without helmets or without appropriate restraints while bicycling in Huntsville, Alabama.

What are the rules in Alabama about overtaking a bicycle on the road?

In Alabama, the rules for overtaking a bicycle on the road are well-defined. According to the state’s safe passing laws, any vehicle that intends to overtake a bicycle must ensure that there is a minimum distance of 3 feet between their motor vehicle and the bicycle. This gap is crucial for the safety and well-being of the cyclist. Therefore, if a car is attempting to pass a bicycle on the road in Alabama, it is mandatory for the driver to provide this adequate buffer space to ensure a safe and smooth passing maneuver.

Should I accept a settlement?

If you are injured, you should never accept a settlement from an insurance company before talking to an attorney. Insurance companies try to pay out as little money as possible in every case. An attorney can usually get you a much bigger settlement.

What injuries are most common from bicycle accidents?

People injured in car accidents in Alabama often sustain cuts, broken bones, and soft tissue injuries. Other common injuries from car wrecks can include neck injuries, herniated discs, head injuries, and brain injuries.

How much does a bicycle accident lawyer cost?

Most attorneys offer free consultations and take personal injury cases on a contingency basis. We never charge a fee up front. We only get paid if we win your case. All consultations are free.

How much time do I have after my car accident to file a lawsuit?

Two years in Alabama, unless you are a minor.

What should I do after my accident?

Call the police and make a report. Notify your insurance company. Take pictures of the accident scene and your injuries. Get medical treatment. Call our office.

Our bicycle accident attorneys are here to help.

If you’ve been injured for any of these reasons, you deserve maximum compensation. Contact our Huntsville and Decatur bicycle accident attorneys to find out what you can recover in your case. When you contact us, it will only take a few minutes of your time to find out if you have a case, which can result in tens of thousands of dollars in compensation for you or your loved ones. Being injured in a bike accident can take a lot out of your physical and emotional health. You need to hire an attorney who understands what you’ve been through and can recover fair compensation to put you back in the position you were in before the accident. You have enough on your mind after a bicycle accident; the last thing you need to worry about is paying your hospital bills and recovering lost wages. Call now. Call 256-534-3435 or 256-350-7200. We are here to help.

Our bicycle accident attorneys serve every city and county in the state of Alabama. Check out our resources page for more information.

State of Alabama Bicycle Laws

Every person riding a bicycle on a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle under this chapter, except as to special regulations in this article and as to those provisions of this chapter that, by their nature, have no application.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-434, p. 604, §12-102.)

Riding bicycles.

(a) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto.

(b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more people at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-434, p. 604, §12-103.)

Clinging to vehicles.

No person riding on any bicycle, coaster, roller skate, sled, or toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to any vehicle on a roadway.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-434, p. 604, §12-104.)

Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.

(a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.

(b) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.

© Wherever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-434, p. 604, §12-105.)

Carrying articles.

No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the driver from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars.

Lamps and other equipment on bicycles.

(a) Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and with a red reflector on the rear of a type approved by the department which shall be visible from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector.

(b) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-434, p. 604, §12-107.)

Violations of article as misdemeanor; responsibility of parent or guardian; applicability of article.

(a) It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this article.

(b) The parent of any child and the guardian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter.

© These regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any highway or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles subject to those exceptions stated herein.

Bicycle Safety laws


As used in this article, the following words shall have the following meanings:

(1) BICYCLE. A human-powered vehicle with two wheels in tandem design to transport by the act of pedaling one or more persons seated on one or more saddle seats on its frame. “Bicycle” includes, but is not limited to, a human-powered vehicle designed to transport by the act of pedaling which has more than two wheels when the vehicle is used on a public roadway, public bicycle path, or other public road or right-of-way, but does not include a tricycle.

(2) OPERATOR. A person who travels on a bicycle seated on a saddle seat from which that person is intended to and can pedal the bicycle.

(3) OTHER PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Any right-of-way other than a public roadway or public bicycle path that is under the jurisdiction and control of the state or a local political subdivision thereof.

(4) PASSENGER. Any person who travels on a bicycle in any manner except as an operator.

(5) PROTECTIVE BICYCLE HELMET. A piece of headgear which meets or exceeds the impact standard for protective bicycle helmets set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Snell Memorial Foundation, or which is otherwise approved by the Alabama Department of Public Safety.

(6) PUBLIC BICYCLE PATH. A right-of-way under the jurisdiction and control of the state, or a local political subdivision thereof, for use primarily by bicyclists and pedestrians.

(7) PUBLIC ROADWAY. A right-of-way under the jurisdiction and control of the state or a local political subdivision thereof for use primarily by motor vehicular traffic.

(8) RESTRAINING SEAT. A seat separate from the saddle seat of the operator of the bicycle or a bicycle trailer or similar product that is fastened securely to the frame of the bicycle and is adequately equipped to restrain the passenger in the seat and protect the passenger from the moving parts of the bicycle.

(9) TRICYCLE. A three-wheeled human-powered vehicle designed for use by a child under the age of six.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-198, p. 306, §2.)

The purpose of this article is to reduce the incidence of disability and death resulting from injuries incurred in bicycling accidents by requiring that, while riding on a bicycle on public roadways, public bicycle paths, or other public rights-of-way, all operators and passengers who are under 16 years of age to wear approved protective bicycle helmets, and by requiring that all bicycle passengers who weigh less than 40 pounds or are less than 40 inches in height be seated in separate restraining seats.

Unlawful for person to use bicycle under certain conditions.

It is unlawful for any person to use a bicycle on a public roadway, public bicycle path, other public rights-of-way, state, city, or county public park under any one of the following conditions:

(1) For any person under the age of 16 years to operate or be a passenger on a bicycle unless at all times the person wears a protective bicycle helmet of good fit, fastened securely upon the head with the straps of the helmet.

(2) For any person to operate a bicycle with a passenger who weighs less than 40 pounds or is less than 40 inches in height unless the passenger is properly seated in and adequately secured in a restraining seat.

(3) For any parent or legal guardian of a person under the age of 16 years to knowingly permit the person to operate or be a passenger on a bicycle in violation of subdivision (1) or (2).

Why Hire Bicycle Accident Attorneys Ferguson and Ferguson

The law offices of Ferguson and Ferguson take pride in giving each client individual and personal attention.

  • We are committed to excellent client service.
  • We care about our clients and have patience.
  • We identified the party responsible for your injuries.
  • We obtain your medical records and bills.
  • We can help with financial assistance.
  • We will help you get the necessary medical treatment.
  • We get your bills paid, reduced, and/or eliminated.
  • Free phone consultations are available 24/7.
  • Free office consultations are available as late as 7 p.m. and on Saturdays.
  • There are two locations near you.
  • We answer all our client’s calls or return them promptly.
  • We make sure that our clients understand each step of their case.
  • We have great compassion for the physical, emotional, and financial problems that our clients suffer, and we will do everything possible to get them through their difficult times.

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, call now for your free consultation with one of our experienced bicycle accident lawyers. Call now. 256-534-3435.

Huntsville Office Location:
303 Williams Avenue SW
Suite 321
Huntsville, AL 35801

Decatur Office Location:
211 Oak Street NE
Decatur, AL 35601

Our bicycle accident firm handles cases in the following Alabama cities and counties:

Abbeville Alabama bicycle accident, Henry County
Abel Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Abernant Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Acmar Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Ada Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Adamsville Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Addison Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Adger Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Akron Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Alabama City Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Alabama Port Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Alabaster Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Alberta Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Albertville Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Alden Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Alexander City Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Alexandria Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Aliceville Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Allen Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Allgood Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Alma Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Almond Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Alpine Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Alton Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Altoona Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Andalusia Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Anderson Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Annemanie Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Anniston Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Aquilla Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Arab Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Ardmore Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Argo Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Ariton Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Arkadelphia Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Arley Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Arlington Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Armstrong Alabama bicycle accident, Bullock County
Ashford Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Ashland Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Ashville Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Athens Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Atmore Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Attalla Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Auburn Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Autaugaville Alabama bicycle accident, Autauga County
Avon Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Awin Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Axis Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County

Babbie Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Baileyton Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Baker Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Bangor Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Banks Alabama bicycle accident, Pike County
Bankston Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Barfield Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Barlow Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Barney Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Bassetts Creek Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Battens Crossroads Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Bay Minette Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Bayou La Batre Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Bazemore Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Bear Creek Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Beatrice Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Beaverton Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Belk Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Bell Fountain Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Bellamy Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Belle Mina Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Belleville Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Bellwood Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Benton Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Berry Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Bessemer Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Beulah Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Big Cove Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Bigbee Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Billingsley Alabama bicycle accident, Autauga County
Birmingham Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Birmingport Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Black Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Bladon Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Blount Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Blountsville Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Blue Mountain Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Blue Ridge Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Blue Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Bluff Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Boaz Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Boligee Alabama bicycle accident, Greene County
Bolinger Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Bolling Alabama bicycle accident, Butler County
Bon Air Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Bon Secour Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Booth Alabama bicycle accident, Autauga County
Boykin Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Bradford Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Bradley Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Braggs Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Branchville Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Brantley Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Bremen Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Brent Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
Brewton Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Bridgeport Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Brierfield Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
Brighton Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Brilliant Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Bromley Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Brooklyn Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Brookside Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Brooksville Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Brookwood Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Browns Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Brownsboro Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Brundidge Alabama bicycle accident, Pike County
Bryant Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Bucks Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Buena Vista Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Buhl Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Bull Slough Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Burkville Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Burmuda Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Burningtree Mountain Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Burnt Corn Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Burntout Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Burnwell Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Butler Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Bynum Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County

Cahaba Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Cahaba Heights Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Calera Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Calvert Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Camden Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Camp Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Campbell Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Capshaw Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Carbon Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Cardiff Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Carlton Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Carolina Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Carrollton Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Castleberry Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Catherine Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Cecil Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Cedar Bluff Alabama bicycle accident, Cherokee County
Center Point Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Centerville Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Centre Alabama bicycle accident, Cherokee County
Centreville Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
Chalkville Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Chancellor Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Chapman Alabama bicycle accident, Butler County
Chatom Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Chelsea Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Cherokee Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Chickasaw Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Childersburg Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Choccolocco Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Citronelle Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Clanton Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Claud Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Clay Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Clayhatchee Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Clayton Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Cleveland Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Clio Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Clopton Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Cloverdale Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Coaling Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Coden Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Coffee Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Coffeeville Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Coker Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Collinsville Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Colony Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Columbia Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Columbiana Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Concord Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Cook Springs Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Coosada Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Cordova Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Corner Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Cottondale Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Cottonton Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Cottonwood Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
County Line Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Courtland Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Cowarts Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Coy Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Cragford Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Crane Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Crawford Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Creola Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Cromwell Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Cropwell Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Crosston Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Crossville Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Cuba Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Cullman Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Cusseta Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County

Dadeville Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Daleville Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Dallas Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Danville Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Daphne Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Dauphin Island Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Daviston Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Dawson Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Dayton Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
De Armanville Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Deatsville Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Decatur Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Deer Park Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Delmar Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Delta Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Demopolis Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Detroit Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Dickinson Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Dixiana Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Dixons Mills Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Docena Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Dodge City Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Dolomite Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Dora Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Dothan Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Double Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Douglas Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Dozier Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Duncanville Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Dunnavant Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Dutton Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County

East Brewton Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Eastaboga Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Eclectic Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Edgewater Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Edwardsville Alabama bicycle accident, Cleburne County
Eight Mile Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Elba Alabama bicycle accident, Coffee County
Elberta Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Eldridge Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Elgin Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Elkmont Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Elmore Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Emelle Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Empire Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Enterprise Alabama bicycle accident, Coffee County
Equality Alabama bicycle accident, Coosa County
Epes Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Ethelsville Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Eufaula Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Eunola Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Eutaw Alabama bicycle accident, Greene County
Eva Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Evergreen Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Excel Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County

Fagala Alabama bicycle accident, Alabama
Fairfield Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Fairhope Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Fairview Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Falkville Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Faunsdale Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Fayette Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Fayetteville Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Five Points Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Flat Rock Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Flomaton Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Florala Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Florence Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Foley Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Forestdale Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Forkland Alabama bicycle accident, Greene County
Fort Deposit Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Fort McClellan Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Fort Mitchell Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Fort Morgan Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Fort Payne Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Fort Rucker Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Franklin Alabama bicycle accident, Macon County
Frisco City Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Fruithurst Alabama bicycle accident, Cleburne County
Fulton Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Fultondale Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Fyffe Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County

Gadsden Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Gainesville Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Gallion Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Gantt Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Garden City Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Gardendale Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Gaylesville Alabama bicycle accident, Cherokee County
Geiger Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Geneva Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Georgiana Alabama bicycle accident, Butler County
Geraldine Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Gilbertown Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Glen Allen Alabama bicycle accident, Fayette County
Glencoe Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Glenwood Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Goldville Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Good Hope Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Goodwater Alabama bicycle accident, Coosa County
Gordo Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Gordon Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Gordonville Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Gorham’s Bluff Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Goshen Alabama bicycle accident, Pike County
Grady Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Graham Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Grand Bay Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Grant Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Grayson Valley Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Graysville Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Greenhill Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Greensboro Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Greenville Alabama bicycle accident, Butler County
Grimes Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Grove Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Grove Oak Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Guin Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Gulf Shores Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Gum Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Guntersville Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Gurley Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Gu-Win Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County

Hackleburg Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Haleburg Alabama bicycle accident, Henry County
Haleyville Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Hamilton Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Hammondville Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Hanceville Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Harpersville Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Hartford Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Hartselle Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Harvest Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Hayden Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Hayneville Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Hazel Green Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Headland Alabama bicycle accident, Henry County
Heath Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Heflin Alabama bicycle accident, Cleburne County
Helena Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Henagar Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Higdon Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Highland Home Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Highland Lake Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Hillsboro Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Hobson City Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Hodges Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Hokes Bluff Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Holly Pond Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Hollywood Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Holt Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Holy Trinity Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Homewood Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Hoods Crossroads Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Hoover Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Hope Hull Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Horn Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Horton Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Houston Alabama bicycle accident, Wintson County
Hueytown Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Huguley Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Hulaco Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Huntsville Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Hurtsboro Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Hytop Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County

Ider Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Indian Springs Village Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Inverness Alabama bicycle accident, Bullock County
Inverness Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Irondale Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Irvington Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Jack Alabama bicycle accident, Coffee County
Jackson Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Jacksons’ Gap Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Jacksonville Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Jasper Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Jemison Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Joppa Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County

Kansas Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Kellerman Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Kellyton Alabama bicycle accident, Coosa County
Kennedy Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Kent Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Killen Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Kimberly Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Kimbrough Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Kinsey Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Kinston Alabama bicycle accident, Coffee County
Knoxville Alabama bicycle accident, Greene County

Lacey’s Spring Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Lacon Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Ladonia Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
La Fayette Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Lake Purdy Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Lake View Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Lakeview Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Lanett Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Langston Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Leeds Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Leesburg Alabama bicycle accident, Cherokee County
Leighton Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Leroy Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Lester Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Letohatchee Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Level Plains Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Lexington Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Libertyville Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Lillian Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Lincoln Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Linden Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Lineville Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Lipscomb Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Lisman Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Littleville Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Livingston Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County
Loachapoka Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Lockhart Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Locust Fork Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Louisville Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Lower Peachtree Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Lowndesboro Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Loxley Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Luverne Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Lynn Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County

Madison Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Madrid Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Magnolia Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Majestic Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Malvern Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Maplesville Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Margaret Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Marbury Alabama bicycle accident, Autauga County
Marion Alabama bicycle accident, Perry County
Marion Junction Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Marvyn Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Masseyline Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Maytown Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
McCalla Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
McDonald Chapel Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
McIntosh Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
McKenzie Alabama bicycle accident, Butler County
McMullen Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Meadowbrook Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Mellow Valley Alabama bicycle accident, Clay County
Memphis Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Mentone Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Meridianville Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Midfield Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Midland City Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Midway Alabama bicycle accident, Bullock County
Mignon Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Millbrook Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Millers Ferry Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Millport Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Millry Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Mobile Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Mon Louis Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Monroeville Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Montevallo Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Montgomery Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Montrose Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Moody Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Moores Mill Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Mooresville Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Morgan City Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Morris Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Mosses Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Moulton Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Moulton Heights Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Moundville Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Mount High Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Mount Hope Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Mount Meigs Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Mount Olive Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Mount Vernon Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Mountain Brook Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Mountain Creek Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Mountainboro Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Mulga Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Munford Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Muscle Shoals Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Myrtlewood Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County

Nanafalia Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Napier Field Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Natural Bridge Alabama bicycle accident, Winston County
Nauvoo Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Nectar Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Needham Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
New Brockton Alabama bicycle accident, Coffee County
New Hope Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
New Market Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
New Site Alabama bicycle accident, Tallapoosa County
Newbern Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Newell Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Newton Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Newville Alabama bicycle accident, Henry County
Normal Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
North Bibb Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
North Courtland Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
North Johns Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Northport Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Notasulga Alabama bicycle accident, Macon County

Oak Grove Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Oak Grove Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Oak Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Oakman Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Oakville Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Odenville Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Ohatchee Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Oneonta Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Onycha Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Opelika Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Opp Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Orange Beach Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Orion Alabama bicycle accident, Pike County
Orrville Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Owens Cross Roads Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Oxford Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Ozark Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County

Paint Rock Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Palmerdale Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Parrish Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Pelham Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Pell City Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Pennington Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Perdido Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Perote Alabama bicycle accident, Bullock County
Peterman Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County
Peterson Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Petrey Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County
Phenix City Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Phil Campbell Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Pickensville Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Piedmont Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Pike Road Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Pinckard Alabama bicycle accident, Dale County
Pine Apple Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Pine Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Pine Ridge Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Pinson Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Pisgah Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Plantersville Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Pleasant Grove Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Pleasant Groves Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Point Clear Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Pollard Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Powell Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Prairieville Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Prattville Alabama bicycle accident, Autauga County
Priceville Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Prichard Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Providence Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County

Quinton Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County

Ragland Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Rainbow City Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Rainsville Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Ralph Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Ramer Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Ranburne Alabama bicycle accident, Cleburne County
Red Bay Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Red Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Red Level Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Redstone Arsenal Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Reece City Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Reform Alabama bicycle accident, Pickens County
Rehobeth Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Remlap Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Repton Alabama bicycle accident, Conecuh County
Ridgeville Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
River Falls Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Riverside Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Riverview Alabama bicycle accident, Escambia County
Roanoke Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Robertsdale Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Rock Creek Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Rockford Alabama bicycle accident, Coosa County
Rock Mills Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Rogersville Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Rosa Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Russellville Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Rutledge Alabama bicycle accident, Crenshaw County

Safford Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Saginaw Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Saks Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Salem Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Samantha Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Samson Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Sand Rock Alabama bicycle accident, Cherokee County
Sanford Alabama bicycle accident, Covington County
Saraland Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Sardis City Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Satsuma Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Sawyerville Alabama bicycle accident, Hale County
Sayre Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Scottsboro Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Seale Alabama bicycle accident, Russell County
Section Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Selfville Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Selma Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Selmont-West Selmont Alabama bicycle accident, Dallas County
Seminole Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Semmes Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Sheffield Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Shelby Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Shiloh Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Shorter Alabama bicycle accident, Macon County
Silas Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Silverhill Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Sipsey Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Skyline Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Slocomb Alabama bicycle accident, Geneva County
Smiths Station Alabama bicycle accident, Lee County
Smoke Rise Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Snead Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Snow Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Somerville Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
South Vinemont Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Southside Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Spanish Fort Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Spring Hill Alabama bicycle accident, Barbour County
Spring Valley Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Springville Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Sprott Alabama bicycle accident, Perry County
Spruce Pine Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
St. Clair Springs Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
St. Florian Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
St. Stephens Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Stapleton Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Steele Alabama bicycle accident, St. Clair County
Sterrett Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Stevenson Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Stockton Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Straight Mountain Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Sulligent Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Sumiton Alabama bicycle accident, Walker County
Summerdale Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Summit Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Susan Moore Alabama bicycle accident, Blount County
Sweet Water Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Sylacauga Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Sylvan Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Sylvania Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County

Talladega Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Talladega Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Tallassee Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
Tannehill Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Tanner Alabama bicycle accident, Limestone County
Tarrant Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Taylor Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Tensaw Alabama bicycle accident, Baldwin County
Theodore Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Thomaston Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Thomasville Alabama bicycle accident, Clarke County
Thorsby Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Tillmans Corner Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Town Creek Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County
Toxey Alabama bicycle accident, Choctaw County
Trafford Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Triana Alabama bicycle accident, Madison County
Trinity Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Troy Alabama bicycle accident, Pike County
Trussville Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Tuscaloosa Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Tuscumbia Alabama bicycle accident, Colbert County
Tuskegee Alabama bicycle accident, Macon County

Underwood-Petersville Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Union Alabama bicycle accident, Greene County
Union Grove Alabama bicycle accident, Marshall County
Union Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Bullock County
Uniontown Alabama bicycle accident, Perry County
Uriah Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County

Valhermoso Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Morgan County
Valley Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Valley Head Alabama bicycle accident, DeKalb County
Vance Alabama bicycle accident, Tuscaloosa County
Verbena Alabama bicycle accident, Chilton County
Vernon Alabama bicycle accident, Lamar County
Vestavia Hills Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Village Springs Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Vina Alabama bicycle accident, Franklin County
Vincent Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Vineland Alabama bicycle accident, Marengo County
Vinemont Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Vredenburgh Alabama bicycle accident, Monroe County

Wadley Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Wagarville Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
Waldo Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Walnut Grove Alabama bicycle accident, Etowah County
Warrior Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Waterloo Alabama bicycle accident, Lauderdale County
Watson Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
Waugh Alabama bicycle accident, Montgomery County
Waverly Alabama bicycle accident, Chambers County
Weaver Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
Webb Alabama bicycle accident, Houston County
Wedowee Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
West Blocton Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
West End-Cobb Town Alabama bicycle accident, Calhoun County
West Jefferson Alabama bicycle accident, Jefferson County
West Point Alabama bicycle accident, Cullman County
Westover Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Wetumpka Alabama bicycle accident, Elmore County
White Hall Alabama bicycle accident, Lowndes County
Wilmer Alabama bicycle accident, Mobile County
Wilsonville Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Wilton Alabama bicycle accident, Shelby County
Winfield Alabama bicycle accident, Marion County
Winterboro Alabama bicycle accident, Talladega County
Woodland Alabama bicycle accident, Randolph County
Woodstock Alabama bicycle accident, Bibb County
Woodville Alabama bicycle accident, Jackson County
Wren Alabama bicycle accident, Lawrence County

Yellow Bluff Alabama bicycle accident, Wilcox County
Yellow Pine Alabama bicycle accident, Washington County
York Alabama bicycle accident, Sumter County



“You cannot get any better than Jackie. Completely professional, fair, understanding and trustworthy. We were facing an almost impossible situation but with Jackie's tenacity and God's grace it all turned in our favor. I highly recommend Jackie Ferguson Graham.”

- Shane

“Very professional and courteous. They kept me informed and walked things through step by step. Took care of my case in a timely manner as well. I'm very pleased.”

- Joshua

“Randy took good care of our son in his case. He is nothing but the best. If You ever need someone who you can count on to do his best for you, he is the one to pick. Thank You for your fine job!”

- Steph
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Contact Us

Huntsville Office
303 Williams Avenue SW, Suite 321 Huntsville, Alabama 35801

Decatur Office
211 Oak Street NE Decatur, Alabama 35601
(256) 350-7200

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